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322 7 he Nature ofthe RefttrrdliM. State IV; " ' low, come now and hear tl1e hallelujahs in the temple " above. Let rhefe feet, that carried me to the congre- . " gation of faints. on eartli take their place now among " thefe who ftand by. A11d let that tongue, which con- ." feiTed Chrift before men, and ufed to be ftill dropping " fomething to commendation, join the quire of the ·" upper-houfe in his praifes for evermore. Thou fhalt " f.tft no more, but keep an everlafting feafi:: thou fhalt " weep no more, neither fh;{ll thy counrenance be over- ' " clouded: l;mt thou ihalt fhine for evert 'as a fiar in the , " firmarnen.t. We took part together in the fight, come " now, let us go togethe-r to receive and wear the crown,, But, on the other hand, the wicked {hall be raiftd by the power of Chr~fi, as a jufl: Judge; who is to render ven– geance to his enemies. The fame divine power which :lhut.up their fouls in hell, and kept their bodies in a gra,ve as in a prifon, {hall bring them·forth, that foul and body together may receive the dreadful fentence of eter– nal damna~ion,andbe fhut up together in the prifon ofhell. They fha11 come forth of·their graves with unjpealwb!e horror and conflernation. They fhall be dragged fotthas fo many malefaCtors Oltt of a dungeon, to be Jed to execu– tion; erying to.. the mountains' and to the rocks to fall: on them, and hide tliem from the face of the Lamh. Fearftll was the cry in Egypt that night the defiroying angel \vent through and {lcw their firfi. born. Dreadful were the fhouts, at the eart~'s opening her mouth and [wallowing up Dathan and Abira1'Jt, and .all that appertained to th~m. Vlhat hid~ous crying then muft there be, when, at the found of the Jail: trumpet, the earth and fe.a ihall open · their momhs, and cafi .forth -all the wicked world, deli-' verin'g them ,up . to the dreadfut Judge? How- will ther cry, roar, and tear t}).emfelves ! how,will the jovial corn~ p=lnions weep' ?,nd howl,_ .and .. curfe One another! how wi l~ the eat th be filled with their doleful flu·ieks and la:. m'enta t~ons, while they are pulled out life jheep /or the Jlaughte~·. ? They who. while they lived in the wodd, we : c prufane debauchee~. covetous worldlings. or form;,d hypocrites ih.dl the'n, in anguifh of mind. wrirg their' lunds . be~1 t 'their hre~fb. and bitt::rly lament their cafe; roating forth their coinpL:i.ints, and callipg them- . . felvu