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Head III. , The Nat-ure of tl•e Refurre!fion. felves beafls, fools and madmen, for having atl:ed fo mad a par ~ in this life , and not h aving pelieved what they .then fee. They were driven away in their.wickednefs at deat.h ; and now all thei·r fin: · rife with them, ancl,' like - fo mapyferpents, twill themfelves :<bout their wretched fouls, and bodie<; too, which now have a frightful meet· ing.., after a long feparation. · • .Then we may' fuppofe the mife rable body thus to accofi: the {oul 1• '.' Haft thou again found me . 0 mine enemy, " my worll enemy, favage foul, more cruel than a thou– ' ·' fand tyg ers? Curfed be the day that ever we met . 0 " tha t I had remained a Hetefs Jump, ro tted in the belly " of my .mother; and h ad never received fenie, lifel nor '' motion . U that I had rachei· b een the body of a toad "or ferpent,· than thy body; for then I had lien ftilJ,' " and had not feen this terrible day ! If I behaved to be " thine, 0 that I had been thy afs·, . or orre of thy dogs, " rather than thy body; for then wouldft tho~ have taken " more t r ue care of me than thou didfl:. , 0 cruel kind c. " nefs! ha'fl: thou thus hugged me to de~th .. thus nou– " riihed me to the Daughter? Is this the df.::c1 of thy ten– " ·dernefs for ·me? Is this what I am to reap of thy potins " and c0ncem about me? what1do riches and p!eafures . ' "avail nowwhen this fearfgl reckoning is come . ofwhich ' ' thoq hadfl: fair ~;arning? .0 cruel grave, wh; didft thoa "nctcl ofe thymouth u'pon me forever? Why didfr thotl " not Jwl::i f.tlt thy prifoner '? \.Vhy hafr ' thou f11aken me '~out . while llct.y H:i:l and .was at refl:? CU:rfed foul, " wherefore didrt thou not abide in thy pl_ace, wrapt up "in fhmes of fire? 'Wh r. re fo re art thou- come back to " ~ake me alfo down to the bars of the pit? · Thou m~defl: u rpe an infhument .of unrighteoufnofs; and now 1 mull " b~ thrown into the fire · This tong ue was by thee em 7 ,. " ploy.:d in mocking at religiofl, ·ending . fwearing; lying, " bacl~iting, and hoa!l:ing; and with-held from glori– H (ying God; .ahd now it mutt not have fo m,r:ch as a. " drop of water to cool it in t]1e ft-lmes. Thou didfl: with– ,, draw mine ears from hearing d1e fermons which gave " w:trning of this day Thou foyndefr vvays :lnd rnean!J . " to ft op them from attending to feafonable exhortations, " admonitions and reproofs. But \vhy didft thou not · , " ftop ,,.,