324 The· Nature oftbe RtfurreBion. State IV. '' flop them from hearing t'he .found of this dreadful " trumpet? Why dofi: thou not now rove and fly away '' on the wings of imaginati.op)·· there~y, as it were tranf- •• porting me during thefe:ftigh,tful tranfacfions, as thou· " waft wont to do, when I was fet down at fermons, " communions, prayers; and godly conferences: that I " might now have as little fenfe ,of the one, as I formerly: " had of the other ? But ah! I muft burn for ever, for " . thy loye to thy lnfl:s, thy profanity, thy fenfu~lity, u thY, unbelief and hypocrify." But may not the foul anfwer ? " Wretched and vile carcafe, I am now driven u back into thee, 0 that thou hadfi lien for ever rotting in " thy grave! Had l not torment enough before ? Mufl:. "I be knit to ' thee again. that being joined ' together as '' two dry fticks for the fire, the wrath of God r.nay the " more keenly burn us up? lt was by caring for you, I' cJ loft myfelf. It was your back and your belly~ and the· " gratifying of your feofes, which ruined me. How oft– " en was I enfnared by your ears ? How often betrayed· " by your eyes? It was to fpare you, that I negletted the " opportunities of making peace with God, loitered away– " fahbaths, lived in the neglect of prayer, went to the· 5 ' houfe of mirth, rather than to the houfe of mourning; " and that t chufed to deny ChriH:~ and forfake his cauie " and interell:s. in the world; a nd {d aT? fallen a ~a_c:ifice· " to your curfed eafe. When at any t1me rny ·confCience " began to awake, and I was fetting myfelf to think of '' my fins, and the mifery I ha~e felt: fince we parred, " and -now feel; it was you that diverted me from thef~ " thoughts, ·and drew me off to make provifion for thee, " ·o wretched flefh. By your fi. lken c..ords of :fldhly lulls " I was drawn l:'o ddl:ruetion, over the belly of my light '' and confCience : but now they are turned intO iron '' chains, with which I am to be he:d under wr<lth for " evermore . Ah wretched profi ts! Ah curfed pleafures! "for which I mufl: 'lie for ever in-utter darknefs ." But no eo nplaints will then avail. 0 th.crt men ·UJere wife, that they, wzderflood this, thtzt the_y tt~ou!d confider their latter (1'/d! :\s to' the qualitieJ with which the bodies of the faints fball be endowed at the refurre crio~; t11e apoftle tells us, they filall be raifed incorruptible, glorious, p.owerful, and. fpirit}lal,