Head HI. The §Lua!itieJ of the raifld Bodiu. (piritual, 1 Cor. xv. 4~, 43, 44· It iJ [own itJ corruption, it iJ r(li[ed in inarrupt.it;n. it Js [own in dijhowJUr, it i.J raifid inglory. It isfow;Hf~~: ~f.f_~ kne_fl, it is ~·a.iftd inpo·w~r. It iJ fo'um a natura./ bocf._v.; 1J~t.r raJjf:d a jptrttual boc(y. Firfl, T he bodies of the fa ints :flnll be raifed incorup~ , tible. /The y are 11ow, a s the bodies cf othersj a very ma!~i of corruption, full of the feeds of difeafes and,qeath; and when de a_d, become fo naufeous, even to their de4refi. f~iends, tha_t they mufr be buried out of their fight, in a grave, there to rot and be confumed: yea, lothfome fore5 and dif~afes ~ake fom'e. of the~ very qn,figftly, even while altve. But at the refurrechon they leave all the feeds of corruption behind them in th~ grave-; and rife in~ ' corruptible , incapable of t;,he leail indifpofition, ficknefs, or fore; and much more of, dying. External violences apd inwa rd caufe·s of pain frtall for ever ceafe ; they ik-tll feel it no inore: ye·a, they ihall have an everlafting youth and v:igour; being no' more fubjecr to 1 t he decays which age produceed in thiS'life. ~ _ S econdly, They {hail beglorious bodies; not·.o.nly ... J:>'eaati– ful, comely, and well-proportioned, but fuli of fp lendour . a nd brightnefs. · The m()!t beautiful face, ~nd heir propor– tioned body that. now a'ppears in the wqrld is not to be named io compar ifo n with the body of the me 'i'nefl faint at - ~ the refurreC!ion; for tben}hall the rightepuJjhine forth at the fun, Matth , xiii:. 43. If there W<t s 'a dazzling glory on JV1ofes's face, when he came down fwm the m~mnr-; and if Steph::tt's face was-as it had been t hef ace of'an angel, when he ftoo d befo re the coun ci l, how much roore fuail the fa ces of the 1aiots be ' beautifu! and g1oriot~s, fuH of fwee t agree– ab!e \.l <.j elly when t1wy hav e put off 'all corruption, an1 jhim as thef un ? But obferve, thi s beauty of the fai r. ts is not re;lhieted to .their fac es, but diffufes itfelf tlirough th e ir· whole bodies : 1 {or the whole body is 'raifod Mghry, and fu all be fafh ioned like -unto our L orJ and Saviol,lr's gloriou:; qody; in whofe transfiguratio n not only did his faa Jhin"! aJ the f un, but a lfo hiJ raiment rwa: white cu the light, M.ttth. zvii. 2. W hatever defe:Cts or deforrrlit ies the bodies of the Cti rus haa, whe n laid in the gra~e, occafiooed by ac– cidents in life, or ar ifog from fecr et caufes of their forma– tion in the w omb~ they fhall rife out of the grave free of all · R e ' thef: .