326 The ~alitit~ ofth~ rai_/r;dE~dia, &c. s-tate 1V. thefe~ But fuppofe the mark1 of tht Lo;d Je.ftu, the fears or prmts of the wounds and bruifes fome of tbe faints receiv– ed while on earth, for his fake, iliould remain in their bodi'ls after the refurreClion; as the print of the nails remained in the Lord Jefu~'s l>ody after his refurreCtion; thefe marks will rather be bages..of difiincrion, and add to their g!ory• than detr-.Ct from their beauty. But howfoe.ver that be, furely !ferae's eyes !hall not then be dim, nor will Jacoh halt; · Leah lhall not be tender-eyed, nor hlephihoj/;eth lame of bis legs. For as the goldfmith melts down the old crazy velfeJ, and cafl.s it over again_into a new mould, bringing it forth with a .new lullre; fo !hall the vile body whit:h hy ciiifolved in the grave, come forth at the rt.furre.ctiqn in p e 1~ feet beauty and come! y proportion~ · , 7hird/y 1 They fuall be p_.O<U:erful and llrong bodies. The 'ltrcnge!l men oo earth being frail and rrortal, ma.y jut1iy be reckoned weak and feeble; in regard 1heir f!rength, – howfoever great, is quickly worn out and confumed. Ma– ny of the faints now have bodies weaker than Others ; but the fiehi~ among them (to aJlude to Z ecb. xii. 8.) at that - JayJhall Ht asDavid, and the houje of Dcroidjhall be aJ God. A grave divine fays, that one tha!l be !honger at the reftr· retlioo than an hundred; yea, th :. n- thoufands are nqw. Certainly great, and vafily gteat, mull the !lrecg\.h of glo– riJ1ed -bodies be; feeing the y ihall bear llP an excet ding and eternal 'U.Mjght ifglory. 1 he mortal hody is [lot at a11 a– dapted to {ucb a fiate. Do·tranfports of joy occafion death. as well all excdiive grief does ? And can it bear up un#r a t'IJ.•crght ofglory ? Can it fubfill: in uni·oo with a foul fil led with hea_vt;n's rap tures? Su-rely no. The mortal body wouLI 1iok . ~ode.r th~t load, and fuch a fill would make the eartf..- 1 en pitcher ,toJly all in ,pieces. The ~cfipt~re h ;;.: p) ~inly told us, th~otjlejh ar,d /JLo e,d (n~ mely, tn the;r prt;.ent fr a! l . fra le, tho' it were the fldh ~rtd bloo,d,oht gi ant) canr.r;t in– her.h . th~ .~i11gdom ofG?d, -, Gor. x v. )9· Jl,r,nv {h ong mult the bpdi.Jy eyes be, w.hic;h to \he foul's ~ternal) ~o m.fort thc.U behold .the dazzling glory fl.Od fplendour of tpe ,-n_ew Jcru..-– falmt ; a.nd ftcdfafHy Jook at the traofcendent glory a.nd iJrigh~nefs , pf tbe man Chrift, th,e Lamb, who i,s the light if t h<.Lt dty, .theJohabitant.s w.he.re.of.Jha/1 jhi.ne JU the j ujl _! T he Lord ufh§avec doth now, in rr.ercy, /:old bad theface of