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fiead Hr. '[hc~Jalities if the raifod Bodi,:J, &c. 3:;!"'j '.f bi1 throne, andjprtfjdeth hh cloud upon it; that 'mortals may cot be confounded with the rays ot glory, ~hich !h!be forth from it, Job x~_vi. 9· But then the vail fhall be re– mcvtd, and they made abl·e to behold it, to their unfpeak– able j 1y. How firong mull their bodies be, who fuall not · re!l nisht nor day;' b.ut be without iorermiffiQn for ever em· ployed in the· h~aveoly temple, to fing and proclaim the prai• fes of God, without we;u inefs, whic_h is a weaknefs incident : to the frail mortal,_but incomyetent to the -glorified body! LPjl/y, They !half be f}iritucd bodies. Not, that they ~1all be changed into fpirits : · but they :·{hall be fpiritua1 iA refpect of their fpirit like qualities and endowments. The h)dy ihaJJ be a~aally fubftrvient to the foul, fubje&. to it, and influenced by it; and therefore~ no more a dog to iJs acrivity, nor the anjmal appetites a foare to it. There will be oo need . to beat it dowo; oor to dreg it to the fer– vice of God. The foul, in this life, is fo much. influenced by the body, that in fclipture· fly1e it is faid to be ,carna{: but - then, the body !hall beJjiritUfll, readily ferving the fouUn the bufinefs of h-eaven; ,_and io 'that o"nly, as if it had no .more r~lation to earth·, than a fpirit. It will have no fur– tl· er need of the now ne_ceff~ry fupports of life, namely, food and raiment, and the like. 'Thtyjhal/hzmger no mon, n itl:er thirfl a·ny mor~, Rev-. vii. 16. For in the refurrefli~n the'y neither marry; ?tor ~re givm in marriage; but are a.t the iwgelJ of.GoJ i11 heaven. Then fuall the faints be firoo~ without meat and drink, warm without clothes;/eyer in per– t~ et health without medicine, and ever frefh and vigorous, though they !hall neve~ a~ep, but forve him night atJd dcty jz.t biJ tentl'le, Rev. vii. 1~. The)' _will need none of thefc: 1hings,_more t.ban fpirits do. They will be nimble and ac· ._ t ive as fpirits, and of a .motl re6~ed coo!litution. The bo– (Jy th~r is now lumpith ~wd heavy, fh~ll then be mo&fprigbt– }y. No fuch thing as me.lancholy !hall be found to make .the heart he-lvy and the fpirits flag and . fink. !1/here the-· ./ ~arca(e is, ~~~re Jhal(t/;e faint~_, ~s fo many ectgln, he ga• thered tr-gelher. J !hall not further dip int-o t~is matter : The day r;vi/1 declare it , · As to the qualitieJ of the bodies of the wicked, at the · refurrelti •n , l find the fcripture fpeaks but little of them. Whatuer they ·may need) they fhaiJ not .get a dr.vp-· of wa;.. • .E li! 2 te-.,.