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328 Tb"c §Z_ualiti.JJ of the raifed BodieJ, &c, State IV. tc..·· to cool their tongues, Luke'xvi. 24, 25. \Vhatever mey be faid of their \Hakuefs, it is,certain they will be continued for ever in life; that they may he _for ever dying: they !ball bear up, howfoever unwillingly, under the load of God's ~ ·wrath, and fhall not faint away under it. The fmoke of their torment ajcendeih up for ever and ever. And they have nr; . t·efl day nor night. , Surely they fhall not parta ke of tne glory and beauty of the faints. All their glory d:es with them, and !hall never arif~ again. Daniel tells us , they fhafl ~wake to fhame, and everlafling contempt, chap. xii . 2. Shame follows Gn, as the fnadow followeth the body: but the wicked in this world walk in the.dark, and oft en under a difguife: neverthele!s, wh,en the Jadge comes in flaming flre, at the lafl: day, they will be brought tQ the light; their Imdk will be taken off, and the fhame oi. their nake:dnefs ' will clearly appear to themfelves and others, and fill •their faces with .confufion. . Their fhame will be too deep for blufhes: but aJJ face I jhall gather -blac.knefl, at that day,, · when they fhaU go forth of their graves, ·as malefaetots out of their prifons to execution: for , their refurreetioo is the refurrection of damnathn. The greatfl beauties. who now -pride themfelves in tbeir comelinefs ofbody, n·ot regarding tbeir defprmeC! fouls, will then ~ppear with a ghaL!ly coun · .tenance, a gri~ and death like vifage. Their looks will be frighJul, and they will b'e hot rible fp~Cl:acles, coming 'fonh of their graves like infernal furie5 out of.rhe pit. They fhail rife alf0 tp everlafling contempt. They 1f~a : l t he n be· the mofi .contemprib!e c1 eau:ncs, fi!Jed with contempt from God, QS vcjfr:IJ o(di/honour. whatever hononrabk ufes they: have be:en rmployed to in tl:is world; and filled a ffo with .contempt from men. fhey will be mo!l: defpicable in the eyes"'of the faints, even of thofe fain t s who gave t bem ho– nour here; either for their high lta tion, the gtfts of God in them, or bcc.. lUte they \\reg of the fame huma_n ~ature with themfelves. But theo fha!l their bod ies be as fo many ]othfume carcafts~ which they }hall go .forth and look upon With abhorrence; yea, they }hall be a,n a/;horing unto a ll J!elh, lfa. lxvi. 24 The word here rendered an a.hhoring, ' is the fame which in the other teX! is rende1ed .contempt; - and ljazah and Daniel point at one and the fame thing,. namelJ., . the lothfomenefi of the wickt,;d at the refurrecrion. Thex: