He'd Ill. Comfor~ to the People ctG6J. 3"' They will be lothfome in the eyes of one aoother. The unclean •.vretches were never ro lovely to each other} g.s thet~~ th;.y will be lo:hfome; den companions in fin will th~n be ' ari abhorring ea-ch one _to his fellow : and the wicked g re ~:r ..-- and honot~t·able men, fhall be no more regarded by thnr wicked fnbjetl:s their ferv~nts, thdr flaves, ' tban the"mi1e i-n the ihee_ts. '-- : - UsE I.· Of comfort t o the people of God. The dotlrine. of the refurrdlion is a fpring of e,onfolation and jay unta you.- Think on it,- 0 believers, when ye are in the houfe of mourning, for the lofs of your godly relations or ftieods, tha! )'I" forrorzu n-;t, even as ot h-ers <lJ.!l•ich have no hC'pe : for ';~~ '-"-·dl meet ?.g~-1iri, I 'T,~e.lf. iv. I 3, 1 4· T-hey are but lain O'J ~· n-to re/} ~n their beds for a little while, (lja. lvii. 2.) f.ut in the morn·ing of the reft:trreetion. they wiH a<Jnke again, and co;ne forth of their graves. The veffel of honr;ur w~s but coa l fl!, it lnd m:~ch alloy of bafe metal in it { it was h..'1o we:.t-k, toq dim and inglorious for the upper-houfe, what· tv_r luftre it had in the lower one. 1 It W<lS crackt, it wasr rullur-e,\; ~nd ther'efore behoved t-o be -melted down that h may he r tf]~ed , af:dfa!hidned more gicrioufly. Do bnt wait a while , and you {halt fee it come fol'th out of thefur– 'ltace o.f farlh vying w~ th thi! flars in brightnefs; my, a! I h~ fun rtuhen he' go-eth [1rt·h in his might. Have you l~id yr>ur infant children ~n the grave ! you will fee them again. Yonr God ,calls himfelf the God of y1iu· feed; , which, ac– e "l'fdln g to our Savioo r 's expofi tion, fecn res the glorious re· .furreB:irm of the body. Wherefore let the covenant you embrqced, for yourfelf and your bab-es now in the dun. cornfort }'OUr he-ut, in the joyful expeC!:ation that, by vir– tne thereof, they fha!l be raifed up in glory : and tlr:u, .as bein?, no more-infants ofdayf. bu-t brought ' to a full -ard pr.tfect fl:atnre, as is generally fupp ofed . He not difcouiag"'d ·!'Y. r:e!tfrlo ·of a weak and fickl.y body:· there is a day corn;, !'1g, 1 when thou {halt he eyery whit •,vhole. At- the refur~ rectioo, Tirr.o hy fhall be no mote liaHe to h1s often i'ljirJni – tie;; his body, that was weak aocl ficklv, even m vonth, Jl. I , , ' I mal be ratfed io fow~r: Lazano ·on!\ be heal :lnd lound , his body beiog ra-iH:d incorniptible. And althoog~, ~vr•_,~~}S, thy weaknefs wi1i not a-now thee, now, to go one fur1ong· ro m~et the Lord in public ordinances; )•et th-e da.y, came~l'l, ' · E e 3. w;;en