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. ~o 'J'irrcr ~~ all unr~gen~rate M!.ZI; State lV'.. ' when thy bo.dy- fhall be no more a clog to thee, but thotli : lhah meet the Lord in the air, 1 Theff. iv. 17. lt wilJ be· '\\'ith the faints coming up from· the gr.ave, as with the lf· r.aelites, when they c~eo~~ of Eg;pt , Pf<~l. CV . 37· 'TI:ere– ~IU feeble Prrfon among lhtir tribes. fhfi thcu an– •ncomely and deformed body ? There rs a glory 'Within, wh.ich will then fet aJLright 'Withcat ; according to all the: defire of thine hear·t. It fhall rife a glor.ious-,· beautiful, handfome. and wel1 - prop~rtiooe'd body. hs \lncomelinefs,. ()r deformities, may go with it to the grave,. but they fhall• llot come b<~c~ with it. 0 that. thefe,. \\·ho are now fo de– 'rous to be beamifuland handfomf.",_wou ld not be too ba!ty to effect it with thei.r foo1ifu and finfl?l arts; but wait and £ludy the heav.eol:y art ofbe-autifying the body, b.y endea– .,_ouring now to become aJI tloriouJ •tl'ithin, -witli the gt2C'es of G ... od's Spit it ! this wou ld at length make Jhem admirable and everlafiing heautinThou mufl indred, 0 believer~ ~rapple with death, aod lhall get the fidl: fall: but thou. fbalt rife again,, a11d come off -\liCtorous a-f Jafi. · Thou mufi go down to the; but tho' .it be thy Long home, it. \\'ill not be thine e'lJerlajling hane. Thou wih not hear the "foice of thy fri€nds there; but .thou !halt hear tlie voice of Chrifi t.he:-e. Thou .may.ell be carried thitht>t with mount , V.g, but !halt come up from it r.eioiaing. Thy friends in – deed will, leave thee' there, but thy God will not. \\'hat God faid: to Jac.o.b . concerning bis going down to Eg;pt·, Gen..xi-vi:. 3., 4.) he fays _to thee, a.nent thy going dowa · to the grave.' Fear mt to go do'Wn-1 rwi/J.go. do<Wfl''Withi thu-~nd I 'Will alfo fur ely bring;hu up again . 0 folid . comfclrt ! 0 glori.flUS hcpes r Wher-efore comf ort yourfelvu•. ~d me another ru..:ith the;e •tt!ordJ;, 1 ThefT. iv. 18•. Us..E 11. Of to all umrgenetate meo. Ye who··. are yet in your O<l tura] fiate, Jook at fbis piece·ofthe eter- · mal flate; alld confider what will be your part in it, Ifye be:: llOt· in time brought i1Ho -the !late. 9f,grace. Think, . 0 fin1Jet, on .that d2y, when the trumpet ili1IL found, at , the ·. v-oice of. wh ich the bars of th e pit !h~ll be. broken afunder, . the door! of the grave {h;i)J fly optn, the -devouring depyhs of the fe-a lh.dl throw up their- dead , the earth cafi forth .hers; and death every -where in the excefa qfafiollilhment •. th•ll-let r. o iu p' rifoners ; , a.nd. thv._wretched feul and bod~" . ~ . ~ fu~