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:H•ead' lJL ·' Terror. to :;/t unrt>gcncrate l11e1!'. :rr::, £hall be re-united, to be fiHed befo re the tribuMl of God. Then, if thou hadH a thoufanD worlds at t hy difpof.d, thou. wou~dit gladly gi-ve them aH away, upon ~onaition tb(')a mighteil:lie ftil.I in·thy grave, wit~ the hundredth p~n of tha reafe, wherewith thou hall fomerimes lien ' at horn ~ on th~ Lor.d's day· : or (if that cannot he obtained). lhat tbou _ mighdl be but a fpechtOr of the traofatl ioos of that d~y ~ as thou b.afi been at fome folemn occafi.r.ns, and rich .gofpd fealts: or \if even that is not to he pun:hafed)}_at ~ mor:n• t·aio, or a..rock· might fall-on thee, and cove:r thee f ro~n the· f<lce of the Lamb.. Ah ! .._how are men bewi t-ched, thm to · trifle away the precious time of Hfe, in (almoH) ~s linl~ concern about, death, as if they were like the beafts -that pe- / Fifh! fome will be telling where _their corpfes muft be laid;: · while yet thf.y. have not feriouil.y confidered, whether _thei r graves fh:.tll be their beds, where they lha11 awake with joy in. the morning, of the refurreclion: or their prifons, _out of whi~h they fh ..dl be brought to receive the fearful· fentenc~• . Remember. now is your feed-time ; ~nd as ye fow., ye fhall – r.eap. God's feed-time begins at death; and at the refur– rec!ion, the bodies. of the wicked, that were fown fidl if jim, tha-i lie do·wn with t.hem in; the dufl, (Job· xx. 11 )' .lhall- fpring un again, fioful wretched, and. vile. Your bo~ dies, .which ate now_inltruments of tin, the I.-ord will lay -.fide for the fire, a.t death: a.nd bring them forth for the fire at the refurrecl:ion. That body, which is not now employed! in God's fer.vice, but is abufed by uncleannefs and- lafcivi .. ou.fnefs, will then be brought fot th in all·its vileoefs, thence'– forth to lodge with t{nclean fpirits. 'The body of the dr-unk– ard fhall then fiagger qy reafon of the wine.of the wrath of Cod, poured out to him, and poured into him, witho\.1t. mixture. Thefe, who now pteafe themfel.ves in their re .. vellings, wi'l r.eel to, and fro at another t_ate; wben, i~il:ead; · of their fongs and mufic, they fhall hears the found of the Jall trumpet. Many toiL their bodies for worldly gai.n, who) will be loth to diltrefs them for the ' benefit of thei1~ fouls ;, by labour, unreafonably hard, they will quite disfit them for the f~rvice ·of God ; and, .when theyhave done, will reckon, it a very good reafon for fhiftiog duty, that they are already. t~ned out with"'Other bufinefs: but the day cometh, when the» wi!l be.made to abide a: ):Ct &reate.r !h cl"s.. :Tl;ey wilL g,q,