·33 2 Ter;o,. !1 -all mtr·ztnera!e li1e77. St:lt'e IV. g.of· vt-ral mi!e_~ for hack and belly, who wi!I not go half the way for the good of their immortal fools; they wili be fi ek– Jy and unable on t he Lord's d<\y , who will be tolerabl·y we!l 2ll t he reft of the '-;-:'e '!k, Hut when that ttumpet f u~..ds,. the dead fhall find the ir feet, 1 aod non·e fh~H be miffing if;) th:tf great congregation . '~!hen the~ bodies of the f.tints !hine <~S the fun, ftightfu l will the looks of their perfecutors be. - Fearful will their conditio.n be, wh.o fometimes fhut up. the faints in nafly prifons, Aigmat jzed , bnrned · them to . 2-fhes , hanged them, and ftuck up their heads and hands in pub! ic places, to frip_bt othe rs fr om the way o f righi/eouf-– nefs, which they fuff.::red for . 1\'h.ny faces now f.ti r, will then gather .blackne_(j. Tbey £hall he· no more admired and careifed for that beautv, v.r hich h 2s a WO,fm at the toot ; that will eau[$! it to iilue 'in lQ.thfomenefs and deformiqr • .1\th! what is that beapty, m1der which t he r e lu rks a mon .: · ftro,Js, deformed and gJ:acdefs hea rt? Wh?.t, but a forry. paipt, a flight var eifh , which wil l leave t~e body fo much the more ugly, ~ef re that flaming fire in v1'!-lich t he Jud;:'! {h-all be revea!edfrom heav,:n, taking1•eng::ance on them thtJf i:now not God, am! tha t obey no! the gr_fpel, 2 T heif. i. 7, 8. They fhaH be (hipt of all -their ornaments, and, not h ave a rag to cov er their nakednefs: bu t their carcafes fhall be arr abhorring to all fl ~·{h, and' ferve as a foil to [t;t off tbe beauty and glory of the righteous, and make it ap-pear the brighter. ' Now is the time to i"~cure, for yourfelvesf' a part in the- . ref:.:u-retl:i<n of the fuft Tile which if you would do, uni te wid1 Jeil.H Chrifi b.y f2ith , riGng 'fpiritual!y frc~m fin, ard plnrifying God with your bodies. He i ~ th-e r efitrrdlion ani{ t.he life~ John xi . 2~ . lfyonr bod~e~ bf! member·,. of ChriH, temples of t he /JolyChofl; they {;Hill certainlv atifr- io glory. Get into this ark now, and ye fh a!l ·.:;ome forth wirh j)y in– to the new world. RiCe from your fins; c<\0: away ' thefe gtave·clothe':l, putting ofF yonr former lufl:s. How can.. one . imagine, that thefe wbo conti twe dead w/;ik they live , fh~l"l tome forth, at the laH day, u nto the t·efurreDion o.f' life -;r Hut that will be the privilege of all thofe, who havin g firfl · confec rlHed their fouls and bodies to t h e Lord by faith; no · glorify him with t~1 eir boulies, as well <~~ tbei t fo~Js; li ~ing and atling to him,· and for him, yea., and fuffering fo~ him ' too., when he calls them to i-i. . · ~ lLE AD:' .J