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I '~ ' • ·' " I-I EA l) rv·. The gmera! JU D G 1VI E N T. MATTH . xx.v. 3I, 3"' 33, 34· 4I, 46. l!1heJt th·efon oj111anjhalf come in his glor_y, and all the hfJ• ly angel..r with him) then )hall he fit upon th( th-rone of hif 'gt'otJI· · .And beflr~ him Jball b! gathered all nations, and he jhall feparale them r;m from anot/,er; as a )hepherd diwdetn his !heep front the goats • .An'd /:e jhall Jet thejheep on ~is right hand, but the goals on the left. 7hen )hall the King fdy unto thc:m on hiJ'right·hand; Come) ye blej[ed, &c. ---Unto -them on the left· hand, Depart from me, , y~ . curj(:d, &c. 'And th~fe Jhall gl) a<tuay int? everlqfling .punijbment: the righteous int? life eternal. ,...r· HE dead being 'raifed, and thefe foun-d alive at the cdtning of the judge changed, follows the ger.eral judgment, plain:1y and awful1y detcribed in this pot· cion of . fcripture; in which we fhall take notice of the following particulars. ( L) The coming\>f the Judge, When the Son ~fmanjhalicome i12 hisglory,' &c. T .he Jndge .is Jefus Chrift, the Son of man; the fame, by whofe a'Lnighty power, as he is God, the dead will be raife.d. He is alfo the Kin~, ver. 34 · the judging of the world being an act of the r oyal Mediator 's king!)"_office. He,will come in glor.Y : glorious in his own perfolh, and having a glor ious 1 eti{lue . even ail ~he ho/) 1 a;.-:;e!s.-with hi1it, to ~1iniHer nnto h im at this great fo lemnity. (2 . ) 1' he Jndge 's m0~.mtmg t he tri bunal. He is. a King, and the r d (We it is a thrnre, a g1oa rious throi1e, He jhat!)it upon'the tho·ne ofhis glory , ver 31 · (3.) The compea1·ance of the p<~rties. all nat tmr ; 1 all and every one, fm?·ll a11d great, of whatiliev er nati -0n, whoever were, are, or fhall be on the face of r h ~ earth -.ll fhall be ga(hered bc:(or~ him; fifted before his tribunal \4· (