- 334 Th~n jha/1 he a gmera! Judgtr.enl . State IV. ( 4·) The forting of them. HeJl;all ftparate the el~etjlNe; and reprobate goatJ, fetting each party by themfelves; as a fhcpherd who feeds his fheep and goats together all t'he day, feparates them at night, ver.-32. The godly he ·will fet on hiJ right hand, as the mofi: honour~hle plac.e; tl1e wi'cked tm the lift, ver. 33· Yet fo as they !hall be ' both before him, ver. 32· It feems tq be an a11uJion to a,. cufiom in the Jewijh courts, in \vhich, one fat at the right hand of the judge, "'who wrote the fentence of ah· fo!ution; another at their left, who wrote the fentence of condemnation. () .) The fen tencing of the parti~s.. and that accord(ng to their v."Orks; the rig4teous being abfoJved, and the wicked condemned, ver. 34 · 4 I. Lajlly . The execution ofboth fentences, in the driving away ofthe wicked into hell, and carrying the godly tohea.ven~ v. 4.0.. DooT. There jlJal/ be a general Jutlgme:nt. . Th,is doCI:t ine I fhall, ( 1-,) confirm, (2.} explain, and ( 3.) _a-pply. I. For conjirmaliM of this great truth, that there !half -be a general judgment. · · Firfl, It is evident from plain fcripture tefiimonies. The world has in all ages been told of it. Enoch befor-e the flnod, taught it in his proph~cy, rel ated ]ude ver. l4r iS· Bc:hoLd the Lord cometh with ten thoufandofhi1 /(lints to execute-judgment ttpon all, &-c. Daniel defcribes it, chap. • ii.9, f o. 1 heheld till the thronn were c4/l down, and t { t Ancien/ ofdafJ did)it, whofe garment rwaJ white a; jno'lv, _ 11nd the hair qfhiJ head like the pure wool: hiJ tlrom v.:at like the jier._y flame, and hiJ whP.eiJ PJ bun1i11g fire A fin) flr(am ijfutd and came forth from bt/ore him: thoufand JhoufandJ miniflred unto him, 011d t f n thsufana timeJ t en: J,l,ott/andfl ood before him' : rthe judgmen t <J.,~aJ fet , and th h?olu •u..'ere opemd. The ,.!\pDitle is very exprefs, Ath xvii~ 3 J. He hath aPfMitJted a day in the which he rwi /1 judf?e the rt.U'J r/d in righteoufncfi, hy t hal man •v..1hom_ he· hath ordained. See lrlatth . xvi. 2 7. · 2 C'Jr.-v. 1 o . 'lhfjf i.7, 8 ,9 , I o. Rr; rJ. :x ~ .r t,J2,J3,l4, J5· God has not only iaid it, but he has {worn it, Rom. xiv . Jo. I r. !Jie nnjl allfland bej ore t.heju.dg– ?!le?J f feat if Chrijl. Fu it iJ wriltefl; ./h I live, .faith il:~ Lord, every Nner: Jht~ll bo.·w Jo 'NU, an~ tver,,v tMguc j hall