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.Head IV. There jhall 'bt tf general Judgment. /hall con(efi f() God. ,So"' that the truth of God is mo!l folemnly plighted for it. - · . ~ Se(.ond~~·. The reCl:oral juO:ice and goodnefs of God, the foverei-gn Ro. er of the world, do neceffarily require it·. inafmuch as they requ!re its being well with the righteous, an.d Ill withth~ wicked. Howbeit, we often now fe,e wick· ~dnefs etalted, ~hile truth ClOd righteoufnds fall in the fireets; piety opprefled, while profanity and irreligion do trjumph , This is fo very ordinary, . that every one, who fincerely embraceth the way of holinds, mull and dor.h lay his account with the lofs of all he has, which the world can take awf!y from him, Lufte xiv.26. If any ma11 401Jte to.,;, and hate no/ his faiher, and moth(.r, and wif~~ and childrcn, and hr~thren, and /ijhrs, yea, imdni1 owu life a!/o, he cannot 'he my difcip/e. But it is inconli llent with. the juftice and goodnl)fs of GoJ, that rh-e affairs of men fhould always continue in this llate which they appear in 'from one generation to another; out 17hat eve·ry man. be rewa:rded according to his works : and fince that'is not d_one in this life, there mull: be a judgmeot to· come; Seeing it iJ a righteous thin_g with God ltJ rec.ompenje tri· lndatim to them that trouble you : ·and tar you w/u; an lrau– bled, refi with us, when the Lord Jefvr /hall be revea!el ' [foJ!t (;eaven, 2 Theff. i. 6. 7. There will be a day, ia. which ti1e tables will be turned; and the wicked lha!l be called to an account for an their fins, and fu:tfer the du'! .puni!hment'ofthem; a,nd the pious fitall be the profpt!rous :;– for, as the apoi1le. ar'gues for, the .happy refurreCl:ion of the faints, If in t~illife 'only •vu have hope in. Chrijl, 'UU are of ail men mr.ljl m~(eraMe, t Cor x:v. 19. lt i~ true, Gol fometimes puni'fheth ·the wicked in this life; that melt may know heir a God that judgeth in the earth :" but yet much wickednefs remains uupuni{hed, and undifcovered, to be a pledge ofthejudgment to come. Ifnone ofthe ~icked were punilh~d . her~, they- would conclude that God had utterly foriaken the earth: if aJl of them wtre pi.lnithed in this 1i.fe, men would be apt to think, there is no a fter· reckoning; Therefore, .in the wii(lom of God, · :fom.! are puniihe,.d now, and fome not. Sometimes the ;L()rd fmites firi.ners, in th'e very ad: of tin; to f11ew unto .~~e world, that he .ii witnefs to all their \vickednefs, and w;u