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There fhp/f be a g~ner~l Jurlgrnent. Stu.te IV.· will call, them to an account tor it. Sometimes -he de– lays long ere he Ihike; that he may dif~over to the world, that he for t,e ts not mens ill deeds, though he does not prefently puniih \hem. .Be(ides all this, the fins of many do outlive them; and the impure fountain by them opdlt!J, ' rul?s long after they are dead and gone, As in the cafe of Jerob cam the fin1 king ~of the ten tribes, whofe iin did ru~ on all along unto the end et that ur1h.appy ~ingdom, · 2 KingJ xvii. 22. The children o.f lfrael 'lVaiked w all (he jim o/ Jert~boam. rwhich he did; they depar~ed not .frotft them. Ver. 2 3· Until the Lord removed ljrael out ifhi.rJt:~ht. ' . . . ~Thirdly, .The refurreB:ion of Chrifi is a certain proof, that there £hall be a d~y of judgment. This arguuient .Paul ufeth to wnvince the Atheniam, tha t jeii.Js ChriH: · will be the· judge pf the worlJ: 'kVherer;_;~. fays hd, te hath · given ajfarance to all Jnen, in tbat he f.,ath raijedhim (ram t/1e dead, Acts xvii. 41. Tht~ Judge is, already named, his patent wrihen and fealed, yea, and r oad. bt. fore all Tllen, in his rifing again from the dead. Hereby Go?- hath given a(/iu-anceof it, (nr o.ffc:red .faith, Marg.) He hath by raifing Chr.ifi from the dead exhibited his credentials as iudge of th~ world. \Vheo, in t1le days of his hmni .li~ ation, he was fitted before a tribunal, arraigneJ , accufed, and condemned of men; he plainly told them of this judg– l.IH.. .ot, and that he himfelf would be the judge, Matih. xxvi, 64. Herca(ier /hall ye fee the fon of maitjitting c;z the. right ha'nd ofporu.;er, and comingin the cloud) ofl1e(!Vtll. ~ And now tha l he was raifcd from the d ead, thoug h con– demned as a blafphemer on this very he td ; is it not an undeniable proof. from h eaven, of what he aflerted ? Ivlorepver, this was one of the great end1> of Ch1·ift' s death q.nJ refurreetion, For to this end (:,hnfl b'oth 'died and ro/t', , trnd rttvi·ved, that be 111ighr be the. Lord, (i e.) :1 he Lord ju.ige, as is e,;jdent from the coptext) both of ife dead ab.i Qj'the J.:vjng, Rom. xiv;9. · , , _ , Lajt!y, Every man be~ i-s c.bout "vith him a witnefs to th is within his oi·n hre: 1 .ft . . Rom iiQ 1 s. Which Jl~ e·w tl1e 'U.iork. 'l the 'la'W, written in t-heir h.eartJ, tl•eir. conjciewe al/o hear– ing wit7J~(j, an'd tf.,eir thou.r{"'IJ th! tn~'an .-IJJhi le acc:'.Jir.,g, or elje excuji;;g ~~~e another. There is a tribunal erected wi.;~ ... m c( f>o:.'-4: . - ',·::.•·