The taming ofJe(uJ the Judge. Judge, in refpeB: of difpenfation, and fpecial exercife of that power. _The judgment !hall be exer5ifed or performed b:1 him, as the Royal Mediator ; for he has a delegated power ofjucfgment from the Father, as his fervant, hiJ .King, whom h'e hath Jet upon his holy hill of Zion, (Pfal.'ii. 6. ) and to whom he ' hath committed all judgment, J ohn v. 22. This is a part of the Mediator's exaltation given him, in confe.: quence of his voluntary humitiation, Ph·i/ip. ii. 8, 9;1o . He humbled himfelf, and ltec.ime· obedient unto death, ev·en th~ i~ath ofth~ ct·ofl: lFherifore G.od. .h~th aljo highly exalfed htm, and gzvtn htm a name, whtch 11 above every na/ne, (i.e. power and authority over all, to wi t ) 'Thah;; t (.'r in) the name of .Jeju1, (not, the name Jefus; that is not the name above :every name, being 'common to o.t hers, as to Ju-· jlur, Col. iv. 1 r. and Jojhua, Heb. i-v. 8. ) ' every knee jha/1 borw. The which ,is explained by the apottle himfelf, of jlanding before the judgmen(jeat o(Chrij}, Rom , xiv. ro. 1 r. So he who was judged and ccndemned of men, fhaJI be t~1e judge of men and angel r . , · SeconU!y, Jefus Chriil: the judge, d(fc e n~ ing from heaven into the air, ( t Theff. iv. 16, 17.) fhalr come ht the cloudJ. of h ~aven, 'U..ftb powe,. and great glory~ Matth. xxiv. 30. This hi !_: coming will be a mighty fu rprife to the _world, which will be found in deep fecurity; fcoliih virgins Beeping, ~nd the wife £lumbering. There will then be much luxury ancl debau.:hery in \he world, little fobriety .and watchful· flefs; a grea.t throng of buGnefs, but a great fcarcity of faith aod hplinefs. As lt •waJ in the dap ~f Noah , fo al(oJha/1 i't be in the dap o.f the- Son ofman. They did eat, they drank, they married <Wivu, they rtJ.Jere given in marriage, until the tAry that N~ah entered into the ark :·a-nd the.fl~od ccmu and _ iejlroJed them all. Like<zJ-'iJe a~o aJ it waJ in the dap of Lot: · th~y did eat, they, they bought, they fold, they p'!antcd, th{y builded.-Even thus jhall it be in the day, "'whcn ·the Son of man is revealed, L~:~kexvii. ?6, 27, ~8, 30. The coming of the Judge will furprife fome at markets, buy– ing and felling; others at table, eating and drinking·, and making merry; others bufywith their new planting; feme build ing oew houfes ; nay,, f01r~'s wedding day will be their owo, and,the wodd's judgment /day. But theJudge cometh! the are tparrcd; the buyer ~.brows away what he has ' :· bou~hJ ·; . . ' ' :.~ '