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' Head IV. The Summons. 33, I · bouoht; the feller cafl:s down his money; they are raifed from the~able, . and th~ir mirth is extinguilhed in a moment ; tho' t he tree be fet in the earth, the gardener may not fiay to call: the earth abollt it; the workmen throwawa ytheir tools, when the houfe .is h~.lf buil~, and the owner regards it no more; the brideg room", bride; and guefls mufi: leave the wedding· feaH, and appear before the tribunal: for, ·Behold he cometh rUJith clottdJ, and every eye !hall fie him. Rev. i. 7· He fhall come nfofi glorioufly: for h~ will come in the glory of hiJ Father, with the holy attgeh, Mark. viii. 38. When he came in the fldh, to die for fioners, he laid afide the robes of his glory, and was defpifed and rejefud of m"en: but when he comes _ag::tin to j·udge the world, fuch fhall be his vifibl<: gl.ory aod majefly, that it fiul! ca!1: an eternal veil oyer all earthly glory, and fill his greatefl enemies with fear .and cread. Never had prince, or potentate in the world, fuch , a ·glorious train, as will accompany this Judge: all the holy ~nge ls fhall c~me with him, for his honour and fervice. Then he, wl~o was' led to the ctofs with :a band of foldiers, will be glorioufly attended to the~laceqfjudgment, by (not • multitudr1 of the.heavenly hojl, but) the whole ho!Lof angels -; all -his holy dngelr,· fays the text. . ? hirdly, At the coming of the judge, t'he fummor.s are given to the parties, by the found of the lafi._ trumpet; at which the dead ate raifed, and thefe found alive changed ; of which b;;fore, 1 Thefl iv. 1 6, I 7. 0 loud ttumpet, that fhall be heard at oncet in all corners of the earth, and of the fea! 0 wonderful voice; that will not only dtflurb. thofe who Deep in the dufi; but dfeCl:ually awaken, rouze them out of their fle~p, - and. raife them from deat~! \Vere truin– pds .founding now, drums bf"ating, furious foldiers crying an d killing, men, Wtjmcn and children running a~d fht ieking, the wounded groaning and dying ; thole who are in the g r <~ves, would have, rlo more diilurbaoce, than if the world we~-~ - in moft profo,und peace. Yea, were Hormy' winds ~altHig down the lofty oaks, the feas roaring and fwaHow– Jn~ up the fhips, the mofi d,re.adful thunder.s going atong ~he he rl \'C{l <:~ lightnings every where flafhing, the eatth quak· tng , ~rembh n~, opening, and f\vallowiog up whole cities, and ·bur~1ng mu \tttuJes at oncB; the -dead would Hill enj~y a perh:cl repofe> and fleep fouodly in the dull i tho' their F f 2 ' owa