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340 - Th~ Judg! )ittilig &rtvn M'J the Tri'bunal. St:1te IV. own _duil fhould be thrown out of iu place. But at th: foun'd of this trumpet they fhalf all awake. The motnin'' is .wrne, ~bey can fleep no longer; the time of the dead~ that they mull: be Judged : t-hey muLl: get out of their graves,. and appear ,bef-ore the jlldge. _ Fc;urthly, T.he Judge !hall fit down on the' tribunal ; .h::· .fha!l fit on the throne. of / glory. Sometime he freed be ...- fore a tribuna-l on earth, lind· was condemned as a ma!efac– tor: then ihall he fit oo his own tribunal, · and jt:dge the world. Sometime he hung upon the crofs, covered wit& nume: then !hall he fit upoh a throne of g.loiy, \Vhat this throne !hall be, whetLet a bright cloud, or what elfe, I fuall' 110t inquire, Our eyes will give an anfwer to that qudtioQ– ~t length, John Jarw a grtal '1i.Jhite throne, Rev. xx . I i ~· Hi.r thr()ne (fays Daniel) was /iJ.e the fiery jlqme, and 'hh' ~heels as burnintfire, chap. vii. 9· Whatever it be, do~bt• lefs 'it fhaH be a thrcne glorious beyond ex.prdEon; and, ia· compatifon with which, the moll glorious throne .on tbe ea1 th – is bu-t a feat on a dunghill; and the fight of it will equall1 f•apr.ife kings, who fat on thrones in this life, and be~gars,who fat,in dunghills. it wit-1 be a throne for flatelinefs <il'i-d' . glory~ fuited to the quality of him who . fhaJ-1 fit u-pon it~ : Never had a judge fuch a throne, and never h~d a tLrone (uch a jtJdge qn_ it. Leaving the difcovery "of. tl~e nature-· of the· tfHone until' that day, it conc-erns us more nearly to cor,fiJer what Cl' Judge will fit upofl ,it; . a point in which we are not left to .ancertain conje_C!ures. The Jucge on the throne will he (1.} Avijible Jr:dge, vifible to oH'r bodil-y eyes, Rtv. i. 7. Every– ltJ'f: jhal! jee him. \Vhen God g~!v·e the law on mcuu .)·i,!ai,_ \.t-.e people fa 'w mjimilitud(, only ~hey heard a VC!ice: but·_ when he calls the world to an 3Ceount,. how they have ob– ferved his law ; the man Chrin ,being Judge, we fhall fee– our Judtre with our ~ye!l, either to ocr eJernal comfort or c;onfuti0~, according to the entetta,ir.ment we give him now•. That v.ery body V: hi eh \vas c~ueified without t be gates of Jerufalenz betwixt two thieves, f!udl then be fee~ . on t~e throne, fuining in gJo-ry. \Ve now fe·e- him fymbohcally m the facrament of his fupper: tne faints fee hi-m by the eye ~f faith: then all !hall fee him with thefe eyes now in 1heit: ·hea.cls. ( 2/) ..11 Judge h«f)il;g full auth~rity ~<nd po.wery te_.