·Head IV. 7'he Judgefiiting dorwfnm the· ri.l!tmal: . 341' to rtr~der unto every ~ne according to his works. Chriit, as God, hath authority of himfelf; and as mediator, he hath a judicial power and autho·rity, whkn his Father .h.is irwdlcd him with, according to the covenant -betwixt the F'ather and the Son, for the n;demption of fioners. And his divine glory w:II be a light, by which all men {hall fee dearly to read his commiffion fot this great anc.! honourable employment. All power i1 giveu U?ftO him in .heaven t111d in earth, Matth • .xxviii •. IS. He bath the ~.CJI of hell a,nd or death, Rev. i .. !'8. There can·be no appeal from his tri– l>q_nal : fentence once- pafl: th.ere., mufi fiand for ever ; there is no reveding of it. All appeals are from an inferior court to a fuperior one; but when God gives fentence agaio.fl: a ma:n, where can h~ find a higher court to bring his procefa tq? This }udgment is the Me9iator's judgment; and there~ lore the lafl Judgment. If the lmerceifor -be againfi us, wh~ can be for os? lf Chrifi condemn u~. whq will abfolve us ? ~ 3·) A ' Judge of. infinite rwi.fdom~ ·His eyes will pierce into, - a-nd clearly difcern the moll intricate cafes. His omoifci.. ence qualifies him .for: judging of the moll: retired thoughrs. as well as of words and work,. The moll: fob rile finner , fha!l not be able to Olltwit h~m, nor; by any artful manage• ment, to paliiate the Cl~ime... He is the fearcher of hearts,.. to whom.nothing can be h1d or perplex.ed; but all thin,g1 a.rf! naked(Tnd ope-n unto h~s . e;·u, f-~eb . iv. 13. · (4,) A mo}j jufl judge; a Judg.e of perfeCt integrity. rfe is, the righ– teous .7udge, (z T~m. iv. 8.) ..and his throne, a great rwhiu throne, (Rev. xx. It·.) fr~~ whencenojudgmendhall pro– ceed, but what is moil: pute and fpotlefs. The Thebanr painted ju{hce. blind, and withou.t hands; for j.udges ought, not to refpect perfons, nor take bribes. · The Areopagit~; Judg~d in tpe dark; that they might not regard who ipoke, .but what was fpoken. With the judge on this throne, th~re wjll be no refpe~ of perfons; he wiH neither regard the perfons o( the rich , rior of the poor; bu.t ju!1judgment lhall go forth in. every ones caufe . Laflly, An orl'~nipoter.t Judge, able to put his fentence in execution The united force of devil-s and wicked men will be altogether unable tal· with!land him. They ~annot retard the execution of rh<! feotence againfi them on: moment; far 1 !efs can •bey fiop . H altogether, c;/7Joft/jznd' JhoufandJ (of aQgels) minifler u:;!, I . - F f ·' 3 . hhlij~