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. The Compearance if th_e Partiu. State IV. · him, Dan. vii. 1 o. And, by the breath of his mouth, he– ca.n drive the curfcd herd whither he pleafet h . · Fifthly, The p·arties fhall compcar. T he fe are men and· tlevils. Altho' tbefe 1alt, the fallen angels, weFe, from ·the firO: moment oftheir finning, fubjetted to the wrath of God, and were cafl down to hell: and wherefoever they go, they carry their hell about with them; yet,.it i·s evident , that they are refervedu-ntojudgmmt, (2 Pet. ii. 14.} namely, nnto the judgment of the great day, Jude 6. And then ~hey fhall ·be folemnly and publicly j-udged, J. Cor. vi. 3· ' /(newye not that weJha/1 fudge angel! P At that day they thall anfwer fer thc:ir trad~e of firming and tempting to fin, 'Whic~ they have been carrying on from the beginning. Then• many a helliili brat which Satan has laid d_own at the faints– door, but not .adopted ,by them;. fh all be laid at the <door of 'the. true fa ther of it 1 .' that is the deviL And he fhall re– ceive the due reward ofallthedifhooour he has done to God:, '2nd of all the mifLhief he has done to men. Thofe wicked' fpirits' now in ,·haim (tnough not in fuch ftrait .cufiody, but that the_y go about, like roaring lions,_feeking whom they may– devour) lhaiJ tl:ien receive their final fenten-ce, and be fhut up io ,their den, name,ly, in, the prifon of hell; where they fllall'be held in extreme and· unfpea'kable torment, through an etet nity Rev. XX. 10. .!lndth_e-de·vif that dec-eived them: ~aJ ~ajlinto the lake ~{fire and"-hrirl'ljlone, where the beajl ~ml 1f~ fa/jl! frophet. are . and /hall be tormenJed day amJ.. night for evt: r and ner . Jn profp t- tl of which , the devils f~· 1d ro ~hritt , /lH dou come hit~t'r to torment· u~ bejortJt the time ? Mtitth, vi1 ;, 1. 9 ·But what we .a re chidiy concerned to take notice of, is– t-he c~f~ of nu:n at t. hat ch. y•. .~ Jl me r. mun compeat before 't~is tr-ibunaL All of e<l ch kx, of every age, quality and · 'c-ondition ; the gr e:n and .ftraH, noble and i gnob le : none sr~ excep~ed. A danz ane' Eve· wi t-h aJI thei,:.t ons and daugh• 1:ers; every one wbo ha!' h~ d~ or , to the e·nd of t.he world, JhaJLhave, a living f{) u] united to a . body; will make up– this gteat con t~ a tron , Even thofe, who,refufed to come_ to the thrpne of grace , fhal'l b·e fo rcech o the b ;_n ofjuflice: ' .fo.rrhetecan-be no h:dlngf.r•Jrn the all ieei og Jlld~e, nofly- . ·ing_,from him who is prefem ever·v where, no rt>fift ing ' of -lHrn.wllu is..armed wnh almigh ty p,owt:r~ lflc muli all-llandi , , .· bcfo~ . ~ .,._ ~ .. ) •.. . .... ~ ...... ~ "" ...