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::?·44 The Sepm·ation bd.wixt, &c. in 1Voah'1 family, in th_e ark; a treacherous JudaJ in Chrilt'~r owu family, bur. in that company flull be none bot fealed~ · ones, _members of Cht:ifi, having all one Father. And this· is a light referved for that day. ('2.)/111 the godly upon on~ /ide. Seldom or never do the faints on earth make filch a- ·harmooy, but there are fome jatring fhings among them: ' 1t is nqt to be expett·ed, that men who fee but in part,..;.hou-g.h·– they be all goiDg to one city, will agree as to every ftep ini. ,the \vay_: no, we need not l<?ok for )t i~ this ~ate <2f im- _ ]-"'-~rfeelion. But at that day Paul and Barna:bal' fhall mee~ in peace and unity, thou~h once the contention wa1 j'O}har!) bet ...JJem them, that they departedafun·Jer, the onefrtJm the: lther, ACl:s XV. 1.9· There fhalJ be no more divifions, no more feparate ftanding, among rhofe who belong to Ch1ift.J ..All the g.odly of the.different ~panies fhall then be tlpon one. fide; feeing, whatever were ll1-eir differences in leJfer tnings,., while in the world, yet, even then ,~_ they met and concen-.– trcd all -in one Lord Jefus Chrift, by a trne and·tivdy faithr and it1 the one way of holinefs or praetic.:t1 godlinefs: And· the naughty hypocrites, ·of whatfoever party, fua!l be le4i fort/J rwith .the ·"/..vorkerJ if iniquity. . Look to the left hand, and there you wilt fee the curfed' goats (all the wicked ones ftom Cain· to the la!l un_godlj"_ perfoo, who {h ;dl be in the world) gathered together_intQ ope rno(l miferable congregation. There are many affem- · blies of the wicked now; Ehen there fhall be but one. But . all of them ~11- be prefent th~re, brought tog~ther as one· herd for 'the f11ughrer, bellowing and roaring, weeping and howling fo1 the miferies to come,. and that arc coming on , t them. ( t~nd remember .thou flnlt not ~ea mere fpeBator, , to look ~t thefe two (o different companies ; but mu!J thy- : felt taki thy place in one of the two, and flralt {hare with. the .cortJpaoy whatever h~~:nd it be upon ..) Thefe .wh<> nOYI· abhor no fociety fo much as that ofJhe faints, would then·. be ghd to .b,e allowed to get in among them, though it were ~u~ to lie among their feet Bu,t . then not one tare fhall be·– found with the ~heat; h rwi/1 rhrough'ly purge biJ . f!o,vr. Many of . tile right·haod men of this world, will be Jeft.;– hlnd men in that day. Many, who mull: have the door and the right hand of thefe., who are better th~n they_, . (if t_be rightcr;uJ _be mor~ excdleizttban .biJ nrighbr;urj fhall ' ili~