~~e, Trial oftl:e Parties. SH' then be turned to the left hand, as moft defpi~ablewretcb e s. 0 how terrible will .this feparation be to the ungodly! hov, dread(nl will thi~ ?;at hering them toget hGr in one· com}~ ariy be!' wf1at_tl1ey wili not believe, they ·will then iee, namely, that but few are fav ed. They think it enough l'lOW, to be neighbour lika, and can~ fecn rely follow the . mult i tud~: but the mu1titude on the lefr· hand will yidd them no comfort. How \\;ill it fiing the un godly Chrif;– tian, to fee himfelf fet on the fame hand w ith Turks ana .Fagans! how will it g<!-11 men to find themfelves fiand– ing, prof.me Protefiants with idolatrous P3.t')iH:s; prayif<~ people with their profane neighbours, ,~~,hp mocked at re– ligious exercifes-: formal profdiors, H:rangers tG the new– bjrth andpower of godiinds·~ with perfecurors! now there. ar.e many op-pcfite focieties in the world, hut then all the ungodly fbai1 be in one fociety. t.. nd how dreadfl).l will the faces of companions in fin be to one another there! what doleful fhrieks, when the whoremonger: and his whore 1hall meet; when the drunkards, who have h~d many " a jovi;d day roge~her, ihall fee one another in · tl~_e face; when the hufband and' wife, the pa:rents and children, the matter and fe.rvants, :H;JAneighbours who have been fnares and fiumbling'-biocks to one another) to the ruin of their own fouls , and thefe of thtir relatives, tball meet agail} in that rniferable fociety! Then wiU ·tllere be curfes in– Bead of f:-thitations; and tearing of th-eri1fefv,es and rag,· ing againfi one another, in Head.of the wonted embraces. Sez.Jenthly, The parties fball be tried The trial cannot be Jiffi.cu!t in regard the judge is.ornnifcient, and nothir1g £an be hid from him. Bu.t, that his righteous judgment may he made evident to aH, he will fet tl:t hidden /,~Jng_~ fJ:/ darkneft in dearefi light at that trial, 1 Cor. iv. 5. · Men fhall be tried~ Firjl, Upon ,thei'r 'IJ..torlu: for God jl? ;d/ brilJg every work into jvd,_g1nent, with tve1J .focref thing,. whether it be good~ or 'iJJbether it be evil, Ecclef.xii .. hj.• ·The Judge will try-every ma.n ' s conve:rfation, and fe_t . nis J c: c-ds done ifl the body, wilh a-ll the cir cumfiances thereof, in a true light Then will m<{ ny actions com.– mended and applauded of men as good and j.ufi:, be .di f~ covered to have been evil and abominable in the fi.S!ht of ~ ~) God: and u;a11~ v..-orks, no··.v condemned hy the worl d, wiH