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Tb~ Trial fJfthe PartieJ. State IV. will be a·pproven and 'commended by the great Judge, as good and jufr. Secret things will be brought to light; and ,what was hid from the view of the world, !hall be laid open. \Vicke ..1nefs, which hath kept its lurking ,place in fpite of all hna1an fearch, will 'then be brought .forth, to the glory of God~ ai1d the confufion of impe~litent finner~ w.llo hid it. The world appears now very vile in the eyes of thofe who are exercifed to godlinefs: but , it "Yill then appear a thoufand times more vile, when that "'·hich is done of men in focrel comes to be difcovered. Evety good atlion ihall then be remembred; and the hidden religion and good works, mpft induflriouf– ly concealed by the faints from the eyes of men, fhallnQ more lie hid: for though -the Lord will not allow men to j;roc!aim every man hiJ own.goodne}s; yet he himfelf will do it in due time. Secondly, Their •u.:ord1 fball be judged, Matth ~ xii. 37. For by thy "JJO('dJ thou'fha!t be juflijied, and hy thy r-J;ordr tboitjha!t ~e ClJndemned~ Not a word fpoken for God~ and his caufe in the world, from love to him– felf, thalrbe forgotten. They are all kept In remem– brance_, and :lhall be brought forth as evidences of faith, ·of an i.nterdt in Chrifl:; ft1al. iii. 1 6 . T!:en t he;• t .hat feared the Lord, jpak: often one to ~another, and th,e Lord heark– n.ed and heard it: and Cl 'book. of remer:zbrance <Uv't:U rwrilte?J lejore him.-_Ver . .19~ Anc/ they jha!l be 1lzine , faith the Lird ofhojli, in that day when I make up ?n) je<Uv·eh~ And _th~ toi-lgue, which did run at random , fhall then copfefs '_to God; and th~ fpeaker Ihall find it to have been follow– ~d, aud eVery word no~ed that dropped from his unfaifC· tified lips, E~ry idle word that 1nen jhaJI fpeak. they /hall give account thereof in the day ofjudgmetJI, Matth. xii . 36. . (>.nu if th ey H~a ll give an ::recount of idle word1, that is, words fpoken to no good purpofe, 1 11tither to God,s glo·- , ' ' .,b ' d h h ry. on_e s own , or ones ne1gn ours r;oo : .ow muc more ihall men's r:.uicked words,' their finful oaths, cur fe s, Jies, filthy communica'tions, and -bitter words, be call ed ·over again, that day ? 'The rongueJ of many iball then fa ll upon themfctveJ, 'and ruin them. Thi rdly, Mens i~ IJ'(ghtJ fhall be brought into judgment: the 'judge rwi/1ma/.:.e man~(c_/l the coun/eh of the heartJ, 1 Cor. iv . 5· T .houghts go f~ee from man's Judgment, but not fro:n the _ _ , jUdg· ....