iA7 judgment of the heart-fearching God, who knows mens thoughts; without the help of iigns to difcern them by. The fe -:.ret fpring~ of mens aCtions will then be brought t~ light; and the fins that never came further than the heart, :will then be laid open. 0 what a figure will man's corrupt nature make, when his infide is turried·out, and all his fpe: culative ·~ .... pt1rities ,are expo fed! the rotten~efs that is within many a whited fepulchre, the fpeculative fil~hinefs and wantonnefs, m(frder and ma-ligpity, now lurking in the hearts of men, as in the chamber of imagery, will then b~ dif-eover.ed; and what good was in the hearts of any, {ball no more lie concealed. If it was in their b'earts to build a hou[e to the' Lord, rhey ihall hear, that they did well that it was in their heart . .This- trial will he righteous and impartial, accurate and fearching, clear and .evident, The judge is the righteour iudgei and he will do right fo every one. He has a juft .balance for good and ev.il afrions, and for honell: and falfe hearts. The fig -leaf cover of hypocrify will then be blown a.fide, and the hypocrite'9nakednefs wi11 appear; as when the L ord came to judge Adam and Eve . in the cool, (or as the word is : in the wind) of the day, Gen. iii. 8~ 'Thefir~ {which tries things mofi: exquifitely) !hall try every man'r •u.Jor.k , of wl•at fort if ls, -i Cor iii. l 3. Man's judgment is .oft -t imes per'plex'd and confufed; bn t here the .whole pro– cefs rnall be clear and evident, as wr"itten with a fun-beam . It iliall be clear to theJu d,ge, to whom no cafe can be in– tricate j to the partie.r, . who fh all be convincd, jude I 5. And the multitudes on b9th fides, il1all fee the Judge is clear when he judgeth; forth~ the heavem /hall declare IJiJ r igh'teoufoe!i, in the audience of ail ,the world ; and fo it fhaH be u niverfally known, Pfa/. 1. 6. On thefe accounts it is, that this trial is held out in the -fcripture, 'Under the notion of opening of bookJ; and mea are faid to be judged out of thofe ·things written in the ,bookJ, Rev. xx.12. The Judge of the world, who jnfallibly knoweth all things, bath no need of booh to be laid be– fore him, to prevent mifl ake in any point of law or faCt: ..but the expreffion points at his proceeding; as moO: nice, ·accurate, jufr, and weil grounded, in every fi:ep of it. Now there are four ~ooks th::tt ihaJl be opened in that d ay. · Firjl, '