:34~ 7'h: Bo:;/u opened. State IV. Fir./1, T ·hc book of God's remembrance or-omnifcience., /Ha/. iii 16. 'J;'his is an exaCt: record of every man's .ftate, thoughts, words, and deeds, good or evil: it is, as it .were, a day- book, in which the Lord puts do~'n all that pa!Teth jn mens hearts, lips, and lives; and it is a-filling .up every da.y that one lives. In it are reco_rdeq mens fins : ~and good works, fecret and open, with all their circum– '1.\:ances. Here are regill:red all their privileges, mercies 1 temporal and fpiritual, fometirne laid to their hand ; the ehecks, admonitions, and rebukes, given by teachers., :neighbours, affiittions, and mens own confciences ·; e\Ter_y .thing "in its due order. This book will ferv:e only as a li– b€1 in refpeet of.the ungodi y; but it will be·for another . ufe in refpecr •Of the godiy, namely, for a t?lefl!Oria/ of 'their good. Th.e opening of it is the judge's bri-nging to light what is wri·ten i'n it; the reading as it were of )he libe-l and memorial, refpectively, in their ·hearing. · Second!;•, The book of confcience wiH be opened 1 , and fhall be as a thoufand witnelfcs, to pr.ov:e .the f~cr, Rom.ii. I 5. U~~ ich jhe"'JJ the <work of the fawwritten in their heartJ., jheir confcience alfo bearing "Witnefl. Confcience is a cen· for going with every man whitherfoev er he goes-, taking ':tn account of his deeds done in the body, and as it were, ' noting them in a book; the which beivg qr~ned, will be tonnd a double of the former, fo far as it relates to one's ~ ' own fl:ate and cafe. Much is ·written in it, which cannot be read now; the writing of confct.ence being, in many ·cafes, like to tha~ which is made with t he juice of -lemons, ' not to be read, till it be held before the fi re; but th en men !hall read it clearly and di ft inct:ly: the fi re wh ich ii .... to try every man's work, will make the book of conf~ i, ,ence le~:\b1e in every point. Tho' the book be ie a led now (the ~onfdence h li nd, dumb and deaf) ·the feals ·will then be hrokefl, and the book opened. T he;-e fln ll be no more a ' weak or mii1nformed conference arrionQ' thofe on t he ri ght \ ~\.J ..L.J ' hand. or thef~ on the kft . There !h tll not he a filcnt confcience, and far 1efs a fenred coafciencc amonga all the ungodly crew: but their confciences {ha ll be mot1 quick– fighted, and mofi: lively. in that day . None fha l_l then call good ev.il, or evil good I g norance of what fin is, . · and what things ·are fins, will have noplace among them: and