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r .. ' The Dof!rine ()f the Stale of Innocmu .applied. I'J liim upright/: }1is Creator (et him up, but he threw himfelf down. \Vas the Lord's diretling and inclining hirn to good; the reafon of h-is woful choice-? 0~ did heave~ deal fo fparingly with him, that:his· p.rdling wants ' fent rum to /. hell .to feek fupp;ly ? Nay, man wa~, and is, !Pe cau[e of his own r:uin; ('2.) · God may·mofi ' joHly r.eq'uire Of me_n perfect obedience lO his· law, and condemn them for their not qbeying it per-fe8:ly, tho' tmw they have no ability to lcieep it: In fo doing, //e. gatherv, but rurhere he·has flrarwe J.. , He gave man abi.lity to keep. th•e wh•ole law~; man ·has loft it' by, his-own· fault: : hut his fin cou-ld · never take away that right <which God hath · to ' exacb perfed obedience of \ his·creatu-re, and :t<!> pueifh 'in cafe o.f\difobedience. ( 3·) Be– hold h:ere- the infinite· ohligation we· Jy_under to Jefus · Chriff :the,fecond Adat)J, who with<his own precious ·blood · has beright ·our efcheat ; and freely -makes offer of ·it again · tt:> us, . Hofi xiii: 9· and that w!th the ad2vantage:of ~~·ezJahing; fecurity, .that · it can -never · be altogether ·loll ·any·· · · mor e·.; John ·x, z8; z9. - Free grace· wil·l fix thofe,.- whom.J free will fh0ok-down into ·a- guJ.f ~.f<mifery ~ . . . US'E'-11; This reacheth a reproofto- three forts ofperfons; (1.) To·thefe,who hate reli~ion · in·-the-_power of it; where .o e:ver ·it •appears ·; : afld can·-take•pl-eafure-in·nothing;: but in • the wo:Fld and their lufis~ - SureJy ,thofe men ' fa-r front> righteou.fnefs : :th:ey,are haters ofGod; R:om: i. 30. far~they :· a:re haters .·of.his · image~· Upright Adam in par.adife, would :; lraV'e .b:een·a g.reat. eye-fore to·aH fu:ch·perfons; ash~ was tG "' the ferpent~ w\hofe f6!ed ·tM:!y -prove·themfelves ·to be, by their malignity ...·' ( 2 ~) h repmve~{thofe who put: 1\e'Jigion j' to fhame, and -rlrofe :wh'o are afh-amed of rreligion, -before ·a ~ &facelefs ~orll\l ; 'tliere i·s ·a g~n~ ruj·on who·mak'e fo ·bold1 .with ·the God th'at :made rnem, and can; i~ ·a.:moment crqib: ~ them, that th'ey ri·dicule~ piety·· and ·make.:a'im'Ock ~ of feriouf...- nefs; Againfl'whom doy~JPort )'ourft!-liJni~ Againfl ~honz ;– makeyea<wh/e,m'OutiFand drarv.• out.fhi :tongue ?··_. Ifa,;lvli 4• .\ ' Is it not- 'again/1God _himfelf, whofe-~im:age, irt fdme·meafu 1~ · repaired on., fome of hi-s creatures; . Jll'akes · rhem (ooJs in · your eyes ·? B1H :beJ'e n~t :mcdt.rr,- /((fl your 'band; .be:made·· jlrong,· ffa . xxviii. 22 .: llol inefs ·was the ,glory of·Oed put on man, when he made him: but now fons ·of :men tur~ ·, l~il.t ' ilory)nto ihame, :becaufe · they th~1nfeives ,gLory ,i.n·, B·;.3:· tht}tr "