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350 ' ' The BookJ opened. I State IV.- . covenant of grace, wete dead to the law as a covenant of works, and it was .dead to them. Wherefo:.--e, as they fhall . not now have any fears of death from it, fo they caQ have· no hopes of life from it,, fince they are not under the law~ !Jut under grace, Rom. vi. r4• But, for their fenteoce; an~· . tbr:r book is opened; of which in the next place. Thus the book of the law is opened, for the fentence a- . ~ainf~ all thQfe on the left-hand; and hy it they will clearly fee the juftice of the judgment agaioft them, and how the Judge proceeds the-rein according to law. Neverthelefs, there will be this difference, namely, that thefe who had only the-natura/law, and lived not under any fpecial revc.. _lation, fha!J be Judged by that law of natur.e they had in their · hearts: which Ja\V bears, that thr!) which commit fuch thlng1 (as they will fiand cr-1viCled of) are worthy of death, Ro·m. j. 3 1. But t hefe, .who h2d the rwritten law, to whQm the wo: d of God came~ as it has founded in .the vifible church, fhall be judged by that written law. · So fays the .. apo(tle, . Ro77t. ii. 12. For as many aJ havejinned 'U.Jithout (the writ– teil) law,jhafl perijh rwithout (the written) law: and a.r 77UUlJ aJ L,avejim:ed 'l11 the law (i.e. under the written law) jha/1 b~ judged by the (written) law. ~ : Lajily, Another book Jhalf be o,/Jened, rwl,ich if the bo.ok of life, R~v. xx. 12. In this, the names cf all the elect are 'written, as Chrifi faid to his difciples, Luke~. · 20. Yot:t ; · nrmzu are 'Wrilfen in heaven. This book contains God's tracious· a nu unchangeable purpofe, to ,bring all the eleCl: to . eternal)_ife; and that in order thereto, they be redeemed . by the blood of his Son, efFeCl:ually called, jufiified, adopted,, Janetified, and raifed up by him at the laH d:ay without fin. Jt is now Jod ,~ed in the Mediator's hand, as the book of the _manner o!the kingdom: and haviog perfected the ,work the_ l"ather gave· him to do; he !hall, or the great d::J.y, produce, ':ind cpen the book, and trejent the perfons therein name· · ~.d,.Jaultli'fl b~re the prcfence of hii glory, jude 24. Not l;twing JPot or wrinkle, or any .fuch thit•g, Fph • .v. 27 •. 1~one of them all, who are named in the book fhalJ be mif– 'i!ng. 'Th.ey !hall be found qualified, accot·J irg to the or .... <ler of tlle book, redeemed, called, jul1tfied, fanetified, ruif– ed up withcut fpot : what remains then, but that, accor– 'lli ing to the fame book, they obtain the great end, name· ly,