s~ntence- pronotmced on the Saint.I: ~ 5 I Jy, everlafting life? This may be gathered frJm that pre– cious promife, Rev. iii. 5· He that overcometh, 'fhe fame · jhall be clothed in ".JJhit e raiment (being raifed in glory) and 1 will not blat out biJ na11u out-of th~ book r.:flife, but I r,vi/1 r l onfefs his name (it fhall be, as it were, read out anloog tbe tefl o( God's eleCt) before my Father, and before his angels. Here is now the ground of tbe faints abfolvitut e, the ground of the bieiled fentence Lhey fhall receive. The book of life Being opened, it will be known to all, who are eleCted~ Rnd who are not, Thus far of the trial of the parties. E ighth!y,-Then fhall the judge pronounce that bleffed fen– tt>ncc on tbe faints, Cr; nteye ble.ffed of'my Father, inherit tb~ , khJg.iom preparedfor you, from the foundali01Z ofthe4World, 1\:!Ht. h. xx.v.. 3A · it is moH: probable, the man C~rifl: will · .• pronounce it \vith an audible voice; w~ich not only all the faints~ but all' the wic&ed likewife, fhall hear and under– fl aod. Who can conceive the inexprefllblejc•y) with which thefe havpy ones fhall he.ar thef'e words ? w he can imagine th at fu lnefs of joy, which fhall be poured into their _heartr, with thefe words reaching, their ears r And who can C0n– teive how· much of. hell fln11 break into the hearts of all the ' ungodly crew, by thtfe words _of heaven? l't is cenain this · fe ·Htn£E !hall be prooo.unced, before the fenten..:e of damna– tion, Matth. xxv . 34· 'Then /hall the King jrty unto them in hi1 rig~t liand, Come ye blejjed &c . Ve>r . 41. Then /hall he jay aljo tq them on the left· hand, Departfrom me, ye curf- __ od~ &c•. rhere is no need or this order' that the f.tints m:ly, without fear or afiooifhment, hear the otber fentence on the reprobate: th ey who are raifcd in glory. caught up to meet the Lord in the air, prefented without !pot, and wl{nle fouls (for the far greater part of them) have been fo long in hea- · ven before, fhall not be capable of any fucb fe ~ r. Bur he re· by they wiH be orderly brought in, to fit · in judg rt~e nt, as C_hrill's ;~ ffdfo rs, agdi nfl the -ungodly; w,hofe torment -will be aggravated by it lt will be a liell to them to be kept OtH 0f he ll, till t·hey fee the doors of heaven op~ned to re· ce ive the faints, who occ.e dwelt in the fame world with · them: a•nd perhaps· in the fame country, parifh,, or town. · and · fat under the fame miniHry with themfelves. Thus . will they fee heaveg afar off, to make their hell the hotter: Like that unbelieving lord, 2 Kings vu. I 9, 20. theyG g 2 _ jhrtlt' \