3$~ Sentntct pra·n~zmccd upon th: Saint!. ~tate IV~ ll;a!lfee the plenty ru)iththeireye".t, but !hall1ro.t eat th~re~ F.v~-ry word of the blefl"ed lemence fhail be like an' envenom· {d arrow tl~ot into their hearts, while they fee what they have Jolt, and from /thence gather~ what they are to e,.;pech· Th'is fentence pa:lfeth on th·e faints according to tl:cir l'f.JJorkJ, .Rev. xx. ~. 2 '. but not for their works, no~ for their · faith neither, as if eternal life were rne.1i·red by them'. Tire feflten.ce itfelf ovehb rows this abfurd conceit. The 1< iog• dom they are called to, was prepm~d for. them, from tl:e {Qu11datifm of the •world i not itfc w be rr.erir ~ d by tl;rm– f~}ves, who are bu1 of yeG:erday. Thry inher-it it as fons, but procure it not to th~mfelves, s~ fervants do the re ·.vard: of their work. Th ~ y we re -redeemed by the blood of Chrift;" ~od dotbed: with his fpotle.fs righteoufne:fs, which· is t}le rr-o· p~~ caufe of the fc:ntence. 1' hey wttc alfo ~ualifitd l-u r l:leaven, by the fan&ificatioo of his Spirit; and her,ce it is accordhzg io thdr f'IJ..roa,; fe that tbe ungod,Jy world fhaH fee new, 1 that the j ,udge of the quick and dead decs good: \9 thf m who were good. Th.er~fore it is -added to the· f.;-n;~nce, Fo.r I was {m. f.u·ngred, amlJe. gcn·/ me meat; &c. Vcr. 35'· 36 •. 'which cloth not deno_te the grour.d, but· the .evidence of their right to heaven; as if a jt'dg::- fl:cnld · r~y, be abfolves a man purfu.ed of d€bt; far the. witnejjei. – tf,·po!Je, tb.1t it h paid-already S•J the apofl:Je Crys, t Cor .. x. s,.' / B.ut <tvit:h manyyf them God wa1 not nJJe!l p!eajedr fir they "!»~re OT)(~rt!Jri;rwn in the '"JJild,-rnefi. Their over: throw in. the wildernefs was not the grour:d of Ccd's dif-. pleafure with them, but it Wcs an evidence of it'. And tbus. our Lord teacheth us the neceii~ry conn~ xion betwix:r g!o:-·y and good works, namely, wo r k~ ev.angelicafly goor:!; \1 o; ks; ~ .having a re:fpt Cl to Jefu·s Chrift and done ou: of L,idl in. ~. im, and love to him, withou t which they will not be re'"· •arded in tiJat da.y. And the f<tiots wilr f(} f;1r. Lre judg(d: ~ r . according_ to [U<:h wor ks, that the degrees .of glory atncngft them {hall oe ::~. ccorcling to ~hefe works ! for 'it is an eter– IJal tt, uth, Ht that Jorwtth (paringly, /hall' reap fp·qri11g/y·, ~ Cor ix.. 6. , · , Tfuus·ibaU the gcod. works of the godJy have a gl hr ious.,. but a gratuitous reward ; a· reward of grace, not of debt, v;hich will fill them with wonder at the rich{s o: free grace; ami th~ Lord·'s confcendic2 to take an:y norite 1 ~fpecl al!y · f!4Ch;