• D J-~ad . Jv: 11Jt· SnintJjFalljudg~, ~;, H ~ · . fodi 'public notice, of their ppor worthlefs ·works. ' The . which fee ms to be -the in>por..t ofwhat they ~re (aid to ar:fwer, .f.aJing, L.ord, 'VJhtn fa'"IJJ •tt:e th~e · an hungr;ed, &c. Ver. ?;.·7 , 38, 39·· /1r.d m•1y thty: notjuHly wor.der to fee them– id ves f~t down to th·e ma:rri;:;ge fupper of tbe Lamb;· in ccn- .fequence of a dinner or fupp er, a little meat or drink (fucb \'IS they had) which they g;;ve to an hu'ngry or thirHy me.m· b~r of Criti!l, for his fik.e? 0 plentiful h~rvell fol.low1ng upon the feed of .good work!! rivers of pleafures fpringing u-p from (perhars) a: cup of cold ·water given to a difc~p ! e. in the name' of a difciple:! eternal manfions of glory rding . out of a night's · l0dging~· given to a faint; who was a !han~ ~er ! evedaflin-g, robes oL~lory given in exchange of a new . c::oat, . or (it may be) an 101-d one-,, bel1owed on fome faint, · who had not neceff:.ry cloathing! a vifit to a fick faint, re– p-aid by Chrift himfelf, coming in the glory of his Father, w.itb all his holy. angels! a vifit made to a poo.r prifoner, fo,r the C<iufe.of'Chrifi, repaid with a vifit from the Judge of– aH, tt:kir! g · aw~y the vifitant with him to the place of he<'.·. v.eo, there to be for ever with himfelf! thefe ·rhings wil-l be--– matter of everlafiing wonder,; .and iliculd fiir up all, to fow liber ally in \ ime, while ~the feed. tirJ?e of good · wo1~s dodt : l:o.fi; but it is Chrifl:'s · !lamp. on good wo-rks, tha.t puts a value oo .them; in .the·eye of a gracious God; which feems – to be the import of ou-r Lord's repIy, ver. 4o Jn aJ much , a~ ye•have- done it. unto one of' the Jenft if' the~ my hre":' thren, .ye have done it unto me. ' , Ninthly, Nowtbe faints having:'TeceiYed thei-r own fentenc~,-·· they (h:,jll judge the wodd, 1 Cor• vi ,· :2. This-was not ful~ filled, when the empire became Chriftian, and Chrifi~ans were made magia:rates. No, the · Pfalmift tells ·us, Thir .. honour hllvc all the /(lint! , Pfal. _cx1x g· And t he apo;- !~le in the fQtecited place, adds, A nd- if the •worldjhal! bt: , judged by you, m:eye unworthy__to judge th fmal!tJjl 1fwttt:~J? Ver,' 3• Know ye not tbc<t ·wf' Jhcd! judg'e angeh f r Betng caHed, they come .to receive thetr k l n ~Jclom·, in the view of angels a'nd men: they go. ' a~ it ·were, 0 from the ba t: to the throne,. To him that ot'ercomelh, 'VJtli 1gr(mt tojlt ':Jith me,in.:my.' I hrone' Rev ' iii. 'J. 1 • T 'bey rfhall llOt only ' JUdge the world. in Chrifl their head, by way of communi--· on with h~m; by their works comp<~.red witl1 thefc of ~he~ . G g 3 · . . ~tt- ,