:; J'4 S'mt-enu ofD.amnatib~ !fate· IV.. ungodly ; ·or, byway of reflimony .againil the~: but they· fhall be affdfors to Jefus Cht.i!l the judge, giving tbeir voice «~gaipfi the-m, confenting to his judgment as jufl:, and faying: .Am~n to the doom pronounced againfr aH t-he ungoo'-ly: as is faid of the faints, upon the judgment of the great whore,. ~cv, xix I, 2. J!_allelujak--[or true and ,:fghteo'[4Jare hh· ;udgmentJ. Thus the upright jhail have dominion over them, in the morning of the refuned:ion, Pfal. xlix. 14. · Then, aod not till then, fhaJI that be fo,lly accomplifhed, which ye m:~y r.ead, Pfal. cxlix. 6, 7., 8, 9 · I.e·t the high' praifu if God Jre)n their mouth, and a two -edged [word in !·heir hand, to · -e~~cuie ·vengeance upon the h~athen, and · punijhment upM the 'fyople,· -·thiJ hoJtGur haveall hiJfaint:r. 0 ! what a Hrange turn of affairs will appear here! what an>· altonifhing fi-ght will it· be, to fee wicked ehm~ch-men and Hatefmen fianding as criminals before the faints, ~vhom f9me– rtime they-condemned as heretics,. rebels and traitors ! to fee roen ofriches and power·!land pale · faced before thef-e whom– they opptdfed !' ·to fee the ·mock.er fiand. trembling· before· thefe. he mocked ! the \Yorldly-wife man before thefe whom . he aC'counted fools! Then fhall the d~fp~fed face.s of the.. faints be ' dre·adfuiJaces to the wicked: and thofe who·. · fome-times were the fong of the drunlardJ, fhall then be a terror to. them. All wrongs .mull be. righted_at lengt.h, and, · every one fe·t in his own proper place. 'Tent..hly, The j~dg·e fhall pr-onounce the fentcnce of darn– :flation on all t:be ungodly multitude. 'Thenjhall hefoy alfo . tWfo them on tlie lf[t hand, Depart from me, ye curjed, i1lt1J eTJerlafiing fire, prepared•for the devil and .his ang.e!J,. \fer 4f. Fearful doom.! and that from the fame- mouth, from, wh~rce proceeded the r~nteifce of. abf'Olution before. h W<tS: ilfl aggrantion of the mifery o.f the J..ews., when tbeixf cit·y w<~s defb·oye,i, tHa.t !_hey were ruined by one w.ho was s·ccounted t·he darling of ffre world. Q· ! what an aggr·a·• · -.,a.t1pn of the ·mjfery of the wicked will-it be, that ·he fhall' pronounce the fenteo'ce · a~fo ! ~o h'ear the curfe ·fr·orn mo'ut:tt Ziotl, mull needs be moft terrible. To be damned by him, Vrho came to C-:ve finners , mu!t be double damnation. But t hus it fltallhe. 'F1le Lamb Of God !hall· ror-e a~ a li.on . agJlinft: them-: he {h-all excommunicate and cafl: them out of. ~! P,rcf-e-nce for e.ver, hY. <\ fentence from theJhroo~~ faying, r ])..: .-