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H'tad' IV.. 111 the Ungodly •.· · 3i J Depart from nu, J'e curfed: h~ . fhall adj:udge them' to' e.v~r·· biting fire; and the fociety of devils for evex:mo:re~ And, this .fentence alfo., we fuppofe, fhall be pt:Q~cunced with an audible· voice, by the man ChriiL And all tbe farnts fhalt fay, Haltelujab, true and rigbtcouJ- ar.e hiJ jztdgmmtl. Noo-e were fo compaffionate as the f.aints, ~vhe.n oo earth,. . during the time of GGd's padence. ~ But: now tba;t time is ati an t:nd: their compaffion on. the ungodly is [wallowed up .irt joy. i'n th€ Mediator's glory,. and his- executjng of j u!t j.udgment, by which his enemi-es are made· hi~ footllool. Though fometimes the ri-ghteous man .did weep: in fecretl places br their pride,. and becaufe they would not h~~r: ... yet then he /hail reJoice· when he feeth the vengeance, . hejba/1 wajh his-feet in the blood of the "'.;Viclt.'ed, Pfal. lviii~ 10... No pity !hall theo ' be ·fuown to them from theil' neareft re– l'ations. The .wife fuall ap-pl·-aud t-tie juf!ice of" th~ Judge, in the condemnation of her ungodly hufuand·: the godly builiaod !hall fay Amen. to the damnation 'Of her who· lay in his bofom :: the godfy parents !hall fay Hallelujah a~ the paffi'ng of the fentence againil: their ungodly child: and' tohe godly child fh.all, from his heart, approve the damnation, ofhis wicked parents, the father who be.gat him, ~nd the· moth~r who bore him. The fentence .is j::uft • they are judged according 10 their worlu, Rev. xx. 1'2• · . There is no wrong done .• to them, For I wa:r a1t hungry; fJaith the Lord, and )'e gqve me no· meat-: I was thirjly, anctye gave me no drink: 1 was a Jlranger, and ye tocl<. t»e ?'Jot in : naked, and ye clothed me not: -/; and in. prijon, andye vijited me not, 7er . 4.2. 4 ~. Tbefe are not only evidentes of their u·ngodly and curfe<,lllate, but moft propeF caufes and grounds of their. condemniltion : for though good works do not merit falvation/ yet evil works merit– '(hmnation. Sins of one k1nd only, namely of omiffi:on are here· mentioned ; nofthgt thefe alont: fhall then be oifco– vered, ( fGr the o•pening of the books lays-all opeo) but be· ·c~tufe thefe, though there were no more, are fufficient to.· d!-tnO tmpard{)ned finners. And if men !hall be condemncd– f'Or firm of omiffion, much more -for fios of commifiioo. ~ The omiffion of works of charity and mercy, is c,onde– fcended on particular:l.y, to !lop the mouth& of the wicked· f•n it is mon iufr~ that he htwe iudgment: without mere;, that: