3t5 6', Sentence ifD ann<itlo;! · ~hate IV·: · that hath Jb t'<J.ved no mercy, j;1;nes ii. t 3.-· The mentioning . of the omiffion of ac1s of charity· artd mercy towards the. difl:rdTcd men:bers of Chrift, intimates, th.Hi it is the jndg:-· mentofthofewhohave l}.ec: :·dof8hriH in the gofpel, th?.t, is. principally intended here in 1hi~ ·porti on of ftripture ; '. ' .-nd that the flighting o f Chrifl: v: ill be d1e gre~t caut~ of t l1e ruin of thoie~ V{ho.11ear the gofpel : but the enmity~ of the .hearts of the wicked againft him.felf, is difcovered .by the ·entertainme!lt ~hey now give tb liis members. ln vain will they' fay, .When jaw rwe thee · rm hungred,: •r .a tbit:Jl? &c : ver 44· For the Lord reckons, and.wilf r eckon the world7s u.nkindnef.s to his pet:pl~, En.kindnefs tOr himfelf; In aJ· much asye did·i t not ·to oneof' the leajl iftheje; ~ ye did·irnot to ·me, ver.45. 0 -mea t and drink nnl-!ap.pilr fp::tred, when a membe-r of Chriil was in need of it ! 0 ' wretched negle~, rhanhe firan.ger faint was-not t aken i'n ~ : it had been better for· them they had qu:tted ' t!1.eir own. · room a,nd their own bed, than he had -wa,.'1ted Iudging. 0 ·.. <t '..lried cloathing, may ' the wicked fay,. -th a-t was in. ni y-, houfe, locked up in-my chdl: , or hanging inmy wardrobe,. ~;tnd was not orourht out to clothe fuch. a one ! 0 that r' l1ad firipped myfelf; r a ther th~n he had gon~ away with· out dothinl! ! curfed bnfinefs , that diverted ·me from vi~ . 0 . .fttingfuch a iick faint ! 0 that I had rather wauzhed whol~ nignts wjrh him Y'lretch tha t l was! why: did I fit at eafe in my hotde , when he. was in prijbn ; and did not vif:t him ? 1_3u,~.riqw t he t ;t bles ar.e turned ; Chril1: 's fervantsjha!J– eat , but I fha ll -behungry; his ferva nt'lijha/t drink, but I fh'all he thirfl:y; they r ejoice, but I am afha med , lfa.lxv.13~ . They are t a}{ien in . but l am eafLout _. and bid to.;Jeparl; they a re clothed wi th robes qf g lory, but l'.'!,./:,!1 nake(-1., tmd they / ee m;jhame , Re.v·. xvi.t 5, Th-ey a r e t.Yow raifed up.. on high beyond t he r each of fl c ~n~fs or pain; but l m~ft . l10W 1J dorum in / orrow , lf;x. i. 1 t . Now fh·;dJ they go to tl1c pa!:-1ce of heaven . but I mu!l go to the prif0n of heH. - But if our Lord thus refents mens negle:_4ing to help his · people under: thofe a!1d the l ike difirdfes; 't\:hatmay they expeer , who are t he amhors and infiruments 0f th~m? . 1f t :> ey 11ull be fed with wrath , who fed the,mn.ot when they were l}ungry; wh;n f1t all become of t hofe, wlwrqbhea an.cl fpoL!ed them, and to- .:k their own bread away from t]1em~ \Vhat