Fte2:d IV_. . '~' tlc ting.~dlJ:. 3-S•I . What a full cup of-wrath will be t)1e portion of thofe .who were fo far 'from giving. them rne~t or drink, whe• Iiungry· ot. thirlly, that they made it a crime for others to~ t!Her.t:-tin tliem, and made thernfr:lves drunken with ti1cir brood' ! 'they n:.ciO: _lodge with devils.Jor eyermore, who took not in the Lord's people, -when {hangers: then, wbat' a lodging fh<J-ll thofe have, who dravc them out of their own houfes. ont of their nati\'e land, and made t:hem f.tran~rers? iv.lc:n \-vill be condemned for not clothing them whe~·n.:1.ked, then how· heavy muft the fenten.ce of thoie be, who have Hript them, and mad-e them go wi Lhout clo~Lthing? Su;ely, if not vifiting of them'.in fkknefs or in a prifon, fhall ,be-fo fe:vere!y punifhe·J; they fhall note· . fc·apea·moft heavy doom, who have caft them ;ntop1·iions.,_. ' ' , .r: I h I i~ . l - . and have pu:t tnem u.nuer ).UC 1 aru LiiPS; as 1avc lffi" pa:red th;ir health, brot1ght ficknefs or; th-em, and cut' their ~ays in p'rifon, or ou,t of prifon. Toput a face upon ftrch wicked pra::.'tices; men -will pre• ' tend to-r-eta man honour_[or Chri ft ·and religion, v/hile they thus treat his members, walking in P;is wayJ, and keep– ing the truth. They are here reprefented,. to fay; Whetz • fo"JJ 'lt'l! tr:?e an hu~:;red, or a-tf.it:fl, or ajlranger, er na.hd4 crji~.·,f, or in p,rijon, aNd dfd mJt fliinifler unto t/.1ee? Vtr; i -4 l• As if they fiiould fay, Olll.r bread) drink . lodging, doath1ng, and vi fits ,were indeed refufed, hut not to Chrift ; · but to a fet of me:n, ef a hdd chata&er·;, m.e:n·-who turned~· t!Je worfdupjide down , (Acts xvu. 6 1.) who troubled ljrael, f 1 Kings xvii. q .)an -humourous .and f'antafiic [ixt ofpeople· :h:aving La<r;.;J d.h t>-rjt: f~om all pevple ;.. Lctious and re belli– ous (thpy did not keep tire king'$ lawJ) an'd therefore a vc- . ry dange'rous fe~ of mfn; it v.·as,n-;t j'Q;• th: kJ'ng '.r profit t~· J4fe.r tbem; Ffrher iii~s. Bm altho''inen ea ftiniquity upon· the godl-y, and give them ill names, tl?at th (· y may treat· th~m. as-cri mi·nib ·; all tlrefe pretences vv ill a·vl-}i 1-tlrem no-– tiling, in the great day, bef~n· the righteous Jndge, nor be– fore their own confci ence::. nei thcr·; hut r ht: rea(grouud of· 1 • • • / ' I f' • 'l r L tf'leir,enmJ-ty aga·1n .t t .•l-'e amts,_-wrl b€ ·round rto tlle1r own· · C'"'m·ittlon) to be.th.;ir enmity ag<liHf1- Ch: ift h~rnfdf. T hi~-· feems,to be th_~impol't oi.the ohjt!aion oft he damned, {ver ' -4 }· and of the arlf-v.rcr to it, ver. 45 .) lu a: 1 much a;;· ~ijd it n.ot to.one Dft.he ll'f{;1 of theje, Jl di.i it 1101 to me. I LaJ'il.b I • .