ComfOrt lo th~ Suini"I . . r.ich furniture, g(} up together in one flame \vith the low– eft cott~ges. Vvhat heart can fully conceive the terror cf th at d <t y to the wicked, when the wliole'fabrick of hea– ven and ear ::h {hall at once be dilfolved by that fire! when that mi ferable co·mpany fliall ,be drivenJrom the tribuna·t to the pit; with fire within them, and fire w.ithout them; and fire behind them, and on every h :-tnd of thqn; and .fire before them, awaiting them in the lake; wllith~r this fire (for ought appears) may follow them ·! \ As for the particular place of this judgment, tho' fome point us to ; he valley of Jeholhaphat for it; ' yet our Lor.d , who inf<ill ibly knew it: being alked the qudlic-n by hi·s difcipks, !1/lere L1rd; told thr:'m only, lf!herefot!ve-r t/;r, biJ– dy if, thither •w;l/ theea)Je.rbegat'heredtQgether, I,.nkexvi:i. 37• .After wh :ch anfwer, it is.t:oo much for men to renew tbe qucfiiQn. As fo1· the time when it ihall he; in vain do · men iearch for wh;1t the L.ord hath purpofel y kept fecret.• ./i{!J i. .8. It h not f()r y ou to know the time~ or the feajons which .the .Father haJ put in };iJ own p!Jwcr. The aporlle Paul , afrer having very' phinly defcribed ~he fecond com- _ingof' Chrifr, 1TheJ!.iv.•6 )''J· adds, (chap v.1 2) But . .ifthe timeJ andfeafonl, '-bre!hren, ye hatJ'e nfJ need that .. ! ".lJrite , un~o )'OU. F&r yourfil~eJ k~towperfdlly, .that the daj f!fthe Lordfo cor11eth tU a thiifin ''~e nir;ht, Neverthelefs, . l(m1e in ieveral <~gd, have made very bold wi~b 'the time; and feveral particuJ·ar ye<;1rs 1 which are now paft, have been given out to the world, for th_e time pf the end, hy men ·who h a ve ·pried into the fecrets of God, Time has proclaim_ed to the \Vorld their ralhr+efs and folly; and it ,i-s like: y they will be no more happy in thei.r ~onj ~~u!:c>S, wh'o_fe determinate tirr.e is ye't to come Let us rdl in thathe cometh. God hath hpt 'the day hid fro.rri us, that we may be every .day ready for it, Ma.t xxv~t 3· lFatclt therefore, fir ye k.nortv .ne.ither the day nor the hour, where– in the Ion o.f ·man cometh. And let us remember, that the laft day of o~Y life 'Will determine our fiate in the laft day cif the world: and as we die , fo fhall we be judged. "1 fhaJl now fhut up this fubjdr, with forne application , of what has been fa id. · · UsE I. Of to all the f.1.ints. Here is abundan~e of-confolati·~:>n to all ~ho are in the ftate ·cf zra~e. \Yhat– cvu·