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Head IV. ~ rerror to Unbe!itvtrt. 361 ever be your affiiB:i~ns in .the wotld, this day makes up alt your loffes. Thor:gh ye havr lien am ~mg the pots, yet jhall Je he as the ttuings of a dove . cover~.~ with jilver, and her fl .-tthen 'Withyel!o'wgold, Pfal lxvm. 13. Though the world .reproach, judge and condemn you; the Judge will, .at that day, abfolve you, and hr'ing.forthyour righteoufnefl tu tlJe light. The world's fools, will then appear to have; been the only who are in it. Though the _crofs be heavy, you may well bear it, in expetl:ation of the crowa of dghteoufnefs, which the rig~teous Judge will then give you. lf the world -defpife you, and treat you with the ut– moff contempt, regard it riot : the day cometh wherein you {hall fit with Chrifi in his thr;.;Je. Be not difcouraged, by reafon of manifold temptations: but refill the devil, in con– fidence of a full and compleat viCl:ory ; for you lhall judge the tempter at Jat1 . . Though you have had wrellling bow with_the body of fi'n,·and death; yet ye fhall get all your enemies uo.der your feet at length, _and be prefe~ted faul defs before the prefence c;>f his glory. Let not the terror of that day difpirit you, when you thiok upon it : let thefe who ·have fl ighteJ the Judge, and c.ontinue enemies to him·, and to the way of ho!inefs, dro~p and hang: down their" heads, when they thio~ on his coming : but Jift y~ up .your heads with joy for the laft day will be your beG: day. The Judge is your Head and Hu1b_,:znd, your Redeemer, _and your Ad- . vacate. you mtift appear before the judgment-fe-at, but ye jha/1 not come into condemnation, John v. 24. His comio~ will not be againfr you, but .for you. He came in the flefh: · to .remove the lawful impediments of the.fpiritual marriage~ by his death; he came in the gofpd to you, to efpoufe yoq to himfelf; he will come, at the laft day, to faJemnize the marriage, aod take the br~de 'noine to his Father's houfe. Even fo, ~01~ L?rd Jejttf. - ; U~E If. Of terror to all unbelievers, This ·may'ferve tct . a:w1ken a .fecure generation, -a \~ortd lying in wic;kednefs, ~s if they were oever to be called to an account for it ; and flightiog the_Mediator, as if he were not to judge them. Ah ! how few have _the lively impreffioos of the judgment to come! mofl men live, as if what is faid of it, from the word, werl! but idle tales. Tbe profane Jives of ma.ny fpeak the thoughts of it w be far from their heart~, and in · H h very