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.. ·~6i Terror to Unveli:ven. 'S:tate IV. , verY, :~-eed make.a mock of it before the world, faying, in dfe~f. lVhere iJ. tho pNmife of his c?ming P The hypocrify of others, who blind the eyes of the world with a fplendid pro'fdlion, being in appear.ance Chri!fs Cheep, while they are indee? the devil 's goats) .is an evidence, that the great fepara.. tion of fueep from the ,gdats is 'fiery little laid to heart. How do ,many indulge t~1emfelves in fecre t w!ckednefs, of which they would be afhamed before witndfes~; r.ot con– fideriog that their mofi fecret thoughts aod ;;Et ions .wiii, at that day, be difcovered, before the great congregation ! how eagerly are mens hearts fet on the world, as if it wt:re -to be their everla!ling habitation! the folemn a.iLmblies, and pubLic ordinances, wher~in the Ju.dge is upon a t.ranf· adion of peace with the cr jminals,' are undervalued: mens. hearts will' fwim like feathers in the waters of the fwchnry, that will Gnk like fiones to the bottom in cares of this life: they will be very ferious in 11ifles of this world, and trifle in the mofl: ferious and weighty things of another world. But 0 ! conGder the day that is <~pp > oaching, in wh;ch ChriH flurt come to judgment; the world ihiill be fum · nw-ned, by th·e found of the lafl: trumpet, to compear be· fore his tribunal : The judge fhaH fit on his thro.1e, and all nations fha ll be filled befo1e flim; the feparation llia!l be made betwixt. the godly and the wicked ; the books open· d, and the dead judged out of them; one p:u-ty {hall be adjudged ·to everlaibng li fe, and the other to everlafiing fin.·, according to their WOi ks. ~ , .... ft would be a fight of adiniri!-~le curioGty, if thou couidtl wrap up t~~fetf~in fome dark cloud•. or hide thy{df in the cleft of fome high rock, fro ;n whence. thou mighteil efpy wicked kings, princes, judges, and great ones of the earth., rifing out of their marb.le tombs, and brought to the bar, to ;>nf..ver for all the ir cruelty, inju\lice, oppreffi :m, and profanity, w ithout any marks·of dilHhction, but vvhat t.he3r wickednefs puts upon thtrn' profane, ungodly and unfaith– ful church -men, purfued with th~ curfes of the ruined peo:– rle, from tbe~r graves to the judgment-feat, and chargeti with the 'blood of fouls, to whom they g.ave no faithful wa r'n: ng: mighty t.J~n naoding trembling before the Judge, noabje to tecover their wonted boldnefs, to outwit him \vith their ·fubt ihies, or d ... , ..: nd themfel·ves by their ftrength : ,' , ' · deli- ·x. q, .. . ',,...• ~~~ ...... '