Htad IV. TerrtJr to Unfgfin·erJ. ;63 delicat'e wcmen C;Jfl fonh out of their graves as abnminable br::wches , dr -agged to the tribun al, to anfwer for their tin· godi y lives : the ignonnt, fudJenly taught in the la~~ tQ t!1eir colt ; and the leatncd declared before -the world, foo.s ad labori ous triflers; the atheifi convipced' ; the l1ypocr:te t:nmai1{ed; and. the profane, at 1ong·t un, turned ferious ahont Bis eternal ftate: •recret murders, adu!teries, thefts, cheats, and Other \Vorks of darknefs, Which fcorned all human fearch 1 difcovered and laid open before the world, with ·their m-:~1 minute ci.rcumtl:ances; n,o regard h1d to the rich, no pity lbewn to the poor: the fcal es of the world turned; opprei1'cd and defpifed piet.y feton .high; and prof– perous wickednefs at lafi br6ught low: all, not foYnd in Chri(l, arraigned, conv.iEted, and condemned without refpeCl: ot perfons, aod driven from the tribunal to the pit; while thefe found in himr at that day, being abfolved before the world, gt> with him into heaven. Nay, but thou canft not fo c:rc~pe. Thyfe-lf, whofoever thou ,art, not being in Chrift, mutl bear a part in this tragical and frightful acrion :: Si~ner, that fame Lord Chrilt, who·m thou fiow defpife~, · whom ·thou ·wou~defl thro' the fides of his meifengers, and hdore whom thou do~ pref~r thy Jufi:s, will be thy Judge. :A t!•:f a negle8ed Sav_iour will be a fevere judge. 0 ! what mountain, what rock wilt thou get to fall on thee, and hide t)ne from the face of .him who fitteth on1 the throne? Thou ·• hafl now a rock within ti:ee, a heart of adamant, fo ·that thou' canft count the darts of the \~ord as flubble, and laugh at the fhaking of the fpear; bot that rock will rent, at the £ght of the Judge; · that hard heart will then br~~k, and thou lhalt weep and wail, when weeping ·and wailing wiil be to no purpofe. Death's b:~nds wil1 faH off; the gra'fe will \1omit thee out; and themou1ttainsfu:J.ll fkip riom thee; .and the rocks r.:flffe to grind thee to powder. How will there Cllrfed eyes agide the fight of the Judge! behold he cometh .' Where is the profane fwcarer, who tore hi~ WOU'lds ? .the wretched worldling, now abandoned of his god ! the formal hypocrite, w _ho kiifed him, and b'etrayed hitn ? the defpifer of the gofpe], who fent him away, in l1is rndfer gers, groaning ; profa~ed his ordinances, an'a tram. plf'd under foot his precious bloc.d? 0 murderir, the flain rnan is thy jud&e: thre j~ he whom thou difi fo maltreat.~ .H h 2 •e·