364 Exhortation to jlrepar~ for Judgmtnt. State IV. behold the negleCl:ed Lamb of God appealing as a ]ion a– gainft thee. How will thine heart endure the darts of his fiery Io~ks! that rocky hea1t now ke-pt outagainfi him, fba!l then_be blown t1p: that face, which refufeth to bluih .now, !hall th~n gather blacknefs:: arrqws of w-rath {hall pierc'e, Wbtne 2.;IOWS of c-o-nyiction 'cannot enter now, 'What wilt thou anfwer him, when he -tifeth _up; _and chargeth thee-· \-vith thy unbelief ilrld impeni-tellcy? Wilt thou f2y, thou waft not watned? Confcience within thee will give thee th::: lie: the fecret groans and wearinefs of thofe, who wa; ne.d fbee, wiJl witn~fs the contrary. If a child or a fool did tell you, that your houfe were o~ fire, you would immediately run to a-uench it; . hnt in rtJa-t · ers of eternal -cor.cern, men .. . -will firft j:ill their hearts wiil1 prejudices againH the m~iE:ngen;, and then c~fl their mdLge b:: hind their backs. But thefe filly fhifts and pretences will not a-vail in t,he day of the Lord. How will thefe cur.f-ed ears, now deaf to 1be call vf the g0fpel, inviting finliiers to come to Chrifi; hear the fea1 ful fen·tence1 Departfrom me,ye cur .fed, into ever/a .fling fire, pre.pan'dfor fhc de.vil andMs angels? No Deepybe::rer_ thall be there; no man's heart will then wan<ler: their hearts a;;nd eyes will then be fixed on tcheir mifery, \vhich they will 11ot now believe. 0 that we ktJ~"JJ in~ thi.J our d·ctJ the tl>ings Jhat belong to ~ur Prace. . .... La/i(y,. Be ~xhoned to believ-e this great truth : and be– J;ieve_it fo as Y .. ~~ mar prepare foP~ the judgment beti!nes. ~ Set up :1 fecret tr;bunal m your ewn brealls; an<:! ofte11 call .. 'i~urfelves to .an account there. Make the Judge ycur friend in time, by clofing with him -in the o.ffer of the gofp'el ; a-nd give all diligence, that y,e may be found in Cht if.l:; «tt that da y. Caft off the works of darknefs, and live as believin·g you .are, at alf . times, Qnd in .aH places, .unde_r the eye of your Judge~ who will ~r/ng every 'IJJor.k into jud,gimnt, rwitb every ficrel/ .thing. Be fruitful ingoad wod,s , knowing that a-s ye fow, ye (hall reap. Study piety ,towards Gods, r~ghteo~fnefs and ·charity towards men. Lay up in £tore plen~y ofworks ef char-ity and mercy' .towa.rds themwho are in difi~crs: e· ,. fpecially fuch as at:e of the hoQihold of fa.-ith, , that they .,m2.y 1 be produced that da~s-eviden_ces , that ye belong t.o ~hiifL Shut not .up you-r bowels of mercy, n~w-· towards the . ne-edy ; lell ye, then, find na mercy. Ta~~ heed, that iQ . • · ail