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Head V. 7'.he Kingdom cf Heav! tt. 365 ' r, 1 fi . # . • ' aft vour wo; ks , ye be .mg.e and mccre ; a;mtng, m tilC'll all ,· at the glo'ry of yont Lord, a tefl:im1ny of your love to him, and obedience to his c{,mmand . .. Leave it to hypo· t r ite~, who have their re<1.oard,' to ,proClai,m every man hi·s own goodnefs; and ,t<>found a trumpet, when they do _alms. 1t is a bafe ind unchriHian fpirit; which cannot have lui~faftion in a g'9od work, unlefs it be e}ipofe.d t<;> the view of others : it is ~Hterly UD}Vorthy of one, who believes that the laft trumpet {fl~ll call t{>gether the \Yhqj.e world; befor e whom the Judge hinifetft'hall publifu works truly good, how fecretly foever they were done. Live in a believing ex pech· tion of the coming of the Lord. : Let your loins be alway.s_ g·irt, ana ynur lamp~ bnroing; io when ~e- comes, whethn . in the !aft day of your life, or in the hfl: day of the world ~ ye fhall · be a(qle to fay with joy, Lo, thi1 iJ -mr G~d, 11ml v;e har;e waited for him•. HEAD V.., The KINGD-OM of .HEAVEN. ', :M'A·fT H, XXV, 3-f• ·Thtnjh.a!l th~ Kin,rt foy unttJ them on hir righ't hand, Coin:! ye blejfod of my Fa·th~r, inh~rit the kingdom prepared for youfrom thefau.ndati--m of the rwot·ld~ 1-I~VJNG from t:his porti?n of'fcri·pture)..wh,ic~ · th ·e text . _ IS a part of, dl'fcnu:rfed of the general Judgment; and – being to fpeakof the everlafting happinefs of the faints, anJ the everlalling mi.fery of the wicked, from' the Tefpe,Cl:ive . fenrences to be pronounced upoo them, in the great d:1y; ~ fhall take them)n the order wherein t·hey ly before us ; ,the rather ' that, as fentesce ~s fir({ pail upon- the rig !~t cous, fo· the ex,ecutio.n thereof is J1r(i begu-n, though poffibl}r th·e o.-. .ther may be fully executed' before it be compleated·. The words of the text contain the joyful fent'errce itfdf,. together with an hiitorical introduCtion thereto,. which gives us •n acco~ot of the Judge pwnoun~ng , the,fentence ; t,~e: King, Jefus Chriil; the parties on whom it is giYen,, tiJilllt . 1-l h 3- . ' .,,,1; '•