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The Kingdom of Hcavm. State lV. rm hiJ righi ha11d; and the time when, thmy a-s· foon as the tr ial is over. Of th-efe I have fpoke already. It is the fen– tehce itfelf we are now ~0 conGder, Come, )'C hlejftd of 'flt} Father, &c. Stand aback, lf ye profane goats ; have a– way a\1 unrer;enerate fouls, ·not,unitcd te Jefus Chritl: this is not for you. CQmC,' 0 ye fain~s, brougJH out of_ your natural Hate, into the fiate of.grace; behold here ·the !fate of glory awaiting you. Here is. glory letdowo·ro' usin words and fyllab1es; a looking glafs, in which .you may fee your ·t:verlafling happiFlefs; a fcheme (or draught) of Ch.rifi's Fa· ther'-s houfe, wher·ein th~re are many maniions. This.gior·ious ~entence bears two Jhings ( r.) The com.. J'leat happinefs to which the fa~nts art adjudged, ·theldng – tlom. (2.) Their folemn admiffion to it, Come ye ble.Jled o/'"' my Father,_ iJZhtrit, &c. Firj}, Their compleat b~ppinefs is a kingdom. A kingdom is ihe .wp of wo.ddly felicity;· there is nothing, on eanh gJ,eater than a kingdom : there– fore the hidden .wcight o(glory in heaven is 'hdd to us 'nnder that notion. But it is oot an ordinary kjngdr:-m, it is. . Jhe ~ingd?_m; the kingdom of heaven, furp~ffing all the king– doms of the earth, in glory, honour, profit and pleafure, in-- 1inite)y more than they do in thefe excel the low a~d in– glorious condition of a bftggar i-n' rags, and on a clunghill. Secondly, There is a folemn .admiffion of the faint!! unto this th~ir kingdom, Comeye, inh~rit the kingdom. In the view– ofangel's, men.and devils, they are inveHed with royalty,. and folemnly inli\Jgurate'd before the whole wodd, by Jefus. {;hrifi the heir of all things, who hath all power in heaven: :and in earth. Their right to the k~ngdom is folemnly re– cognized -and owned! They are admi.~,ted to it, a~ undoubte,d heirs of the kirgdom, to poffefs it '''t)y i~.heritance or lot, as· the word properly figni.fies; becaufe; of old. inheritanc~s were defigned by lot, as Can{l'an to lfrael God's ftrfl bo~n, as they are called ·Exod. iv . 22. :And bec:Aufe this kingdom, is .the Father's k'ingdom, therefore they are openly acknow· ledged in their admiffion .to it, to l5e the bleffed of ChriO:'s :Father; the which bldling wa's given them 'long before th is– fcntence, but is now folemnly recognized and confiymed to· · them by the Mediator, in· his Father's name , It is obrer– l'.altle, he fays not, Ye bleffed of the Father, bur Ye b!t.JJ'r:d:' ~11~ Fitthdr,, tp flt~w -'il:J, t_ha~ _ aJl 'bJd1ingJ 'are. drt~ved :. U£-::·