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368 , Tl:eir Enjign; of l:.D)·a!ty. State TV. ·management CJf. all tbcir ·<!itedions and i ndi n ati en ~, whici\ now cr ea te them fo much molefiati olll : the turbuler. t root of corrupt affections fnall be fo r ever expelled OL1 t of tbat kingdo ,n, and never be -able any more to- · give them the leaft diH:urbance. Thev fhail ha ve pow'er over the n.HionY, lhe ungodly of all natio.ns, andJha!i rule them witb a rod 1Jfiron, Rev. ii. 26, 27. The who1eworldofthewicked-, !hall be b~oken befGre them : Satan fhall be bruifod undf};r their /eel, Rom. xvii. 20~ He fball never be able to faHea a temptation on them any more: but he will be jt1dged by then1; and in their fight, cail with the rep roba te crew iiito t he lake of fire and brimfl:one; fo ihall they r.ule over the ir oppreffors. Having fought the good fight , an-d got the vittory. Chrill wiil entertain tnem as .Jofouadid his captains~ c;~ u fi n.: them com~, near, andput their flct 611 the n(Ck.F if ltlng1~ Jofh. x . 24. J!. They finll have the enfigns of royalty. For a thrnne, Chrifl will grant them toji~'t ro..vitb_him ir1 hi! throne, Rev.. iii. 2 T. They will be advanced to the higheft hononr anQ d ignity they are cap e. ble of; and, in the enJoyment of it, th ey wilJ have an eternal uodi{hnbed repo(e, after an the toffings they meet wi th in •he wortd, _in thei.r way to the throne . ·For a e.rown, they fhall receive a crorzvn· of glory,, that fadet,~ not a-way, 1 Pet. v. 4· Not a et own of flowen*, as fu bjeCl:s being. conquerors, or victors, fometimes have, got: fuch a cro n, q:ll ickly fades s but their cro·.vn never fa.deth . Not a own. of gold, fuch as earthly kings de, wear: even a crown of gold, is often Haiqed, and at beft can never make them happy who wear it . 'But it lhall be a, ~r owo o.f glory . A crown of glory is a cro'".vn of lift; ' {Rev. ii. 1 o .) that life wbich knows no end: a crown which, death can never make to fall off one's head . It mufi be an abiding crown; for it is a cro~n of righteoufnep, 2 Tim. iv. 8. lt was purchafed for them by Chriit's rightecufcefs,, which ill imputed to them; they are qualified for it by io- , he rent righteou fnefs; God's righteoufnef" or faithfulnds fecures it to them. They fh.all have a fcept-re, a rod fJF iro-n , (Rev. ii 27.) terrible to aU the·wicked world·.. And a fwo rd tqo, a trwo · ed'gedfword in thdr hand to exec{lt.~ · fJengeanr:e upon the hfathm, andpunijhmenr upon .the pe-CJ• _ ;1~. Pf~J.; cxlix. 6. 1· They tllall have royd apparel.. ~ , . - T~