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Head V. lflhite GcrrmentJ. The royal robes in this kingdom are white robes, Rev. iii. 4· '{hey jha/1 rwaU with me in ·white. And thefe htl ~o, in a very particular manner, point at the inconcciv· abk _gfor y of the fhte ot the faii>ts in heaven. , T~H! L ord is pieafed often to rep1ef~D:t unto us the glo· rions ltqJe c f .the faints, under the notfon of th..eir being clothed in \'\ hite garments. 1t is promifed to the ov:er; comer, that he-fhall be clothed i.n white raiJnaJI, Rev. iii~. 5· T'he ddf:rS about t~1e , throne are clotheti in-V.rhit~ r·al.~ ment, chap . iv. 4·. The multitude befor_e th~ thron·6~~re clothed 'U)ilh 'lJ.Jhite rehcs, chap.vii 9• arra;.ed in white rob&!~ ver. 13. made whit-e in the blood ofthe .Lamb, ve,rd 4 · 16~~n? the lafi two tellimonies add uce:d, do refpect the (late of' the faints ori earth: but "';itbal the terms borrowed from the Hate ofthe eh urchin hea.~el1. All gm;me~ts pr~perly focal– led,- t1eing ba:dges of fin and {hame, iha.Jl be laid afide by the faints, when they come to their fiate of glory. But ifwe confider on. wha.t occafions white garments were wont tlo. be p-ut on, we fhall find · rpuch of heav-en under them .. Firjf . The RO?iumJ \vhen they minumit.ted their bond– f-ervants, gave them a ''-'hite garment, as a badge of tJheil,~ freedom. So !hall the faints that d·ay get on their white ) robes; fo.r it is the day of thf gloriouJ liberty o{tht cbiUren •J G'od; (Rom. viii. 21.) the day of the redemptiotz of their ho.dy, ver:23. They ihall no more fee _the houfe of bondar.;e, nor ly any more arnong the -pots. If. we compare ~-he fr-ate of the' f1.ints on earth, with that ~the wicked, it is indeed a H:ate of freedom; 'whereas the other is a fiate of flavc:ry: but ~n . comparifon with their fiate in heaven, it is but a fervitude. A faint on earth is ind c- e.d a young, prince, · and heir to a crown; but his motto may ·be, f ferve: for ,h d~lferet.h Jrcm ci j~rv.cmt. thou,gh le be !~rd if all, Gal. iv. 1 • . '\Vhat ;we the groans of a 1':tint, the f01·did and . bafe work he is fome~ime s employed i_n, the black tattered g:..1rments he walls i.n. but b2.dges of J1is compa- - rative ferviwde: B.ut ' from the c1a)· the 1aints come to the cr:";vvn, they recciv~ their compieat freedom . and ferve 110 more. · They 111~111 be fu1ly freed fr()rr~ fin, v/hich of q.ll evils i5 the worn:, both in irfelf, and in their apprchenfion too: how great then mnft that freedom be, when thefe Egyptiam .-J~ho~nlf.V'fee t,o di:)', they Jbail fe~· themagain ?HI, More I I