370 lflhiie Carmo;!J. State IV. mor~for et·~r? · They {hall be fr_ee from aHtemptations to fin ,: Satar1 c.-tn h:1ve no accef~ to tempt them any more, by himfelf nor by his agents. A fu fl anhver will then -be giv– en to that petition they have fo often repeated, Lead u; not into temp~ation. No hiffing ferpent can come into the .paradife above: no fnare nor trap can be laid thelte, to catch t.he f~et of the faints: they may walk there fearl~!ly, for they can be in no hazard ; there are r:o liom den1, r..E> mocwtaim q( the lopard1 in the promifed land. Nay, they £hall be fet h~yond the ponibility of :Gnning, for t1:'!ey Jlnll be confirmed in goodnefs. 1twill be the confummate free– dom of their will, to be fot· ever unalterably determined to good. 'An-d t-hey fhall be freed from all the effects-of-fin;. Thfre }ball be no more death, neither- flrromJ, nor crying, neither Jha/1 there be an_y more pain, Rev. xxi. 4· What kingdom is Eke unto this? Death makes jts way now into a palace as eafily as into a cottage: _i()rrpw fills the heart of one who wears a crown on his head: royal robes are no fence againfl pain, and crying by re;--tfon of pain. But in this kingdom no \mifery can have place. All reproaches fhall be wiped off; and never fln 11 a tear drop any more frot1nheir eyes. They fhall not compbi11_of defertion a- _gain; the Lord will never hide his face from them: - but the Sun ()frighteoufnefs fl1ining upon them in his meridia-n brightnefs. will difpel all clouds, and give them an ever– lafling day. without the Jeafl: mixture of Clarknefs. A de– luge~fwrath, after a fearful thtfnder- clap from the throne, vv!!l fwee-p away the wicked from befr.re the judgment-feat into the ldke cffi.re: but they are, in the firfl place, like· .1\/-:;a:S, brought into the ark, ~nd out of h!.irm's way. Secondly, \Vhite raiment h _ath been a token of purity. Therefcre the Lamb's rw~(e is arraJed in_fne linen clean and, white, Rl:v . xix.8. and thefe who flood before dte throne, rtull}hed their robN, and ma-de th,-mz •while in the bloo.d o.f the Lamh, chap.v ii.t4. The f3ints fha1l thr.n put on' the rol;es of perfect purity, and fhine in fpodefs h. oline f~. like the fun in his firength, without the Jeafl: cloud to i.oter– cept his light . . li bfolure innocence fhalJ then be refiorcd, and every appearance of fin b;mifhed far from this kin:;M clom. Tbe g uilt of fin, an~ the reigning power of it, are :aow t;.;.k~n a wa.y in the faints i nevuthdefi fm d\\:lleth rn - the;;~, , ;