Head V. 3/I tl::em, Rom. vii . .:c. but then it fhall he no more in them: the corrupt nature will be quite removed ; that root of bitterneCs will be plucked up, and no vtH:ige5 of it left in their fouls; their nature Hull be altoge'the; pure and finleflk. There {hall be no darknefs in their minds; but the under– Handing of every f:lint, when he is come to his kingdom, will be as a globe ofpure and unmixed light. There (hall not be the leafl: averfion to good, or iHclination to evil, in their wills;' but they will be brought to a perfect confor– mity to the will of God; bleft with angdical purity, and fixed therein. Their a:fTections fmtll not be liable to the lea ll difo der or irregularity; it will cofl: them no trouble toJ:etp them right; they will get fnch, a fet of pu- ' r!ty aG t~ey can nev-:r lofe. 'T'hey w,ill be fo refined from all earth! y drofs, as never to favour more ot any thing but heaven. VVere it pofftblethey fhould be iet again a– mid it the enfna.ring objeCts of an evil wo.rld, t.hey ihould walk among them withounhe leaet defilement; as the fun n~ ines on the dunghill, yet untaintecl; and as the angels pre.lerved their purity in the midfi: ofSodDm. Their graces ilu.ll then be peffecrl!d; and all their imperfections now cleaving to them done away. There will be no more ground for complaints of we~knefs of grace; none in tha t kingdom fh:1.ll complain of an ill heart, or a corrupt natnre.. lt doth not _yet appear what ·we jha/1 be, hut-1 iubelt heJhall appear, we !hall be lih him, 1 John iii. '2. \ Thir dly, Among the J ews , thefe \vho defired to be ad– mitted into the pridly oi11ce, being tried, and found to. be of the priefl:s line, and without hlemifh, were dDthed in white, .and enrolled among the priefts. This feems to .be",ailuded to Rev. iii . s. He that ovucometh, the .fame foal/ be c1othed in 'l!..•hite raiment, and I '!!..ill not blr.-t out /JiJ name otlt of the book of life . So the- faints :!ball not be kings only, but priefis withal; for thry are a toyal .priefihoad, 1 Pet. ii. 9· They w.rll be prieits upon th~ir thrones. They are judicially found defccnded from the ' _grea~ l1:igh-prieit of their profdfion, begotten of him by .h is Spirit, .of the incorrup~ihle feed of the word, and .without blemilb: fo tbe· trial being over , rhey are ad– mitted to be prieH:s in the tem.p!e above, that they may .dwell in thf:! houfe .of the Lord for ever. There is nothing upo11