Head V. lV.hite Carmenl.r. 373 Surely the. glorified [;aints wiH not forget the entertainmer.t they met with ·in the world : it will be for t-he zlory of God to· remember it, and .alfo for the heighteoi.ng 9f tbeir joy. The Sicilian king, by birth the fon of ~potter, aded:a wife ..part, i,J;l that he ·would be ferved at his table with earthen vdTels.; the ~bi'ch could not but put <.•1 additional fweetnefs in his meals, not-to be relifhed by one born heir to the crown • .Can ever meat p;! fo fweet to any, as to the hungry man? Or can any hav:C fuch a relifh ofplenty, as he ·who has been -u'nder pinching flraits. The more difficulties the faints have •Ptlffed through, in ·their way to heaven, the p)ac~ will be the fweeter to them when they come at it. Every ·happy _ fhoke, lhuck in the fpiri!ual warfare, wiil l,e a jewel in their crown of glot)'. .Each. viCl:or;y ob.tained af?ai.nfi: fin, Satan and the world, will .r<ufe the1r tnumphant JOY the higher. The remembrance of the crofs will~ fwee ten the crown : and the memory of their travel through the wilder– ·nefs1 witl put an additional verdure on the fields of glor ~ ; ' wh ile they walk through them, minding the day when they went m?urning without the fun. / And now that they ~pp.ear triumphing io white robe3, it is a fign they have obtained an honourable pea~e; .fuch a .'peace as their enemies .can di(hnb no more. So every. .tbing pecu· Jiary adapted to their militant con~ition is laid .afide. The f-,vord is laid down; and they betake themfetves to the pen :o/ a ready rwritter, to commemorat e the .p:-aifes of him, by whom they overcame. Publ icordioancez, ' preaching, facra– ments, fh~ll be honourably laid ali\e_; then: is n'J tewple tberei Rev. xxi. 22. Somerimes thefe we re fwee t to th~m; but the travell-ers being all got home, the ir>m, ap~oimed for th<:il' entert ainment by the way, an.· fhu~ up; the' candles are put ollt, when the fun is rifen ; and the tabernacle uf-ed in the 'wildernefs is folded up, when 1 h~ temple of g!ory i-3 come i:l its room . ~T.any of the f;;.ints dmics will then be hid afiJe– as one g~v.es h\s fhdf out of h;s band, whe n.he is CQUle r~ the end of hi sjourney . Praying ' fnall then / be turned to praifing : and, there being oo fiJ to confefs . no wants to , feek the fupply of~ conftffion and petition fhall be f111allo'ke··i up in ever lafting th:mkf).'_ivin<t. rhere wdl be no ~c:.nninl.7 - , . b in h~~ven : they h~ve fown in tears, tl,1e reapin.z time of , JOY, ts come, and Cod lba!l wipe arwaJ all tcarsfr.cm their i i .,