State IV. -·· eyu, ~ev. xxi. 4• N.> / need of ~mortification ' there; and felf-examinatioc is then at an end. They ·wiJl not need to wa_tch any more; ~he danger is over. Patience has had its perfeCt work, and there is no ufe for it there. Faith is tur– ned io'to light, and hope is fwallowed up in the ocean of fen· fible and full enjoym~nt. All the rebels are fubdued; the f2ints quietly fet on their throne; and fo the forces, needful in the time of the fpiritual warfare, are diJbanded, and they carry on their triumph in ptofoundefl: peace. Laflly, vVhite gHme'nts were worp on fdl:ival days, in toke11 of joy. And fo !hall the faints be clothed in white raiment ; for they fhall keep an everlafiing fabbath to the Lord, Heb , iv,. 9· 'There remaineth ther~re a rejl (or keephzg if aJabbath) to the people of Cod. The fabbatb, in the efteem of f~ints, is the queen of days : and they !hall have an endlefs fabb4tifm in the kingdom of heaven ; fo fhall .their garments be always white. They will have an eter– nal refi with an uninterrupted joy: for heaven is not a,refi– ing place, where men may {leep out an eternity ; (there tJ;ey, re!t not day opr night) but their work is their ~eH ancf continual recreation, and toil and w~arinefs have no place Thev refl there in God, who 'is the centre of their . - ' . fouls. Here they find the complement, or fatisfaClion, of all their ddi.res; having the full enjoyment of God, and uninterrupt-ed' commu nion-with him. Thi~ is the point,' un– to the whiclJ till the foul corne it will always be refilefs: but, that point reached, it reHs ; for he is the lafi end, an4 the f{)u_l can go no further. It cannot undedland~ will, nor deGre more ; b1.1t in him it has what is cornmenfurable to its boundlefs deGres. This !s the happy end of, al1 the labours of the faints; tbdr toil ar.d forrows iffoe in a joyful refL The Chaldea1JJ meafuring the natural aay, put the day firfl:, and tbe night tail: but th~ Je~vs counted. the ~gh~ fidt, and tbe pay }aft. Even fp the Wicked begm wtth a day of rell ar.d plrafure, hn end with a night of everlailing toil 2od forrow : but Goci's people have their gloomy night, firft, and then comes their day of eternal relt. The which · ' £bNthc;m, in the parablr~ obf.erv~d to the rich man io hell,. Lake xvi. 25. Sor1, rnnr:mb~r that_thcu in thy life-time re-_ ceivcd.fl thy gr;od thing1, afld li,{'f!<r.vije LazaruJ evil things: but tJtJ'W h~ #{ c~mforrc· d, mu/ t~o'u -art tortM111fd. 111.