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Head V. T he ·country, t he ~oya! City. 316 11 I. lf one enquires where the kingdom -of_the faints lies ! It is not in this y.' orld; it lies in a b::tter country, t hat is, an heavenly, (Heb. xi. 16 ) a count ry better than the bd t of this world ; l!amely, the he avenly Canaan , l mmanuei's land, whe re no thing·is wantir.g to compleat the ha ppinefs of the inhabi tant s, Th is is th~e happy country, bleH ,wit h a. l'erpetuill fpring, and which yieldeth tll thi ngs , for neceili-. ty, c ~mvmieEt:; y, and deligh t, T .here men_fhall eat angel s food : they !hall· be ·entertai ned with the hidden manna , (Rev. ii. 17 .) without bei ng fe t to t he painful gathering of it. : they will be fed to the full, wiJ,h t he pr odutl: of the land fa Hing intp thei r mouths_wi.th6ut the leafl toil to them. Th at l and enj oys an ~ verlatting day, for there is n~ night there, Rev. xxi. 2 5. An eternal fun fhine beautifits this better, count ry, but there is no fcorching heat there~ No clouds !h all be feen there for ever; ye~ it is not a ~and of drought: the trees of the Lord's planting are fet by the ri- . vers of waters, and fhall never wantmoifiure, for they will 11ave an eternal fupply of the Spirit, by Jefus Chrift, from his Father. This is the country from whence our Lord came, an9 wbither he is gone again : the country which .all the holy patriarchs and prophets had their eye upon, while · on earth; and which all the faints, who have gone before· us, have ·fought t.heir way to; arid unto which, the mar.. tyrs have joyfully fwimmed through a fea of blood. This ·~ earth is tbe pl ace of the faints pilgrimage; .that is their country, where __they find their everlafling refl:. · IV. The roy al city is that great city, the hob' Jerufale1'!l, defcribed at"large, Rc·v. xxi. ro. to the end of the chapter . (It is true fqme learned divines place this city in the e.arth: but the particulars of the defcription feem to me to favoor thofe moft, who poiot us to the other world for it.) The faint s fhalJ reign io that city, whofe wall is ofjifper . (ver. Jo.) and the fou!!dationJ of the wall garni(hed with all manner of p_reciouJ fionei, (ve r. H).) and t.~c fireet ofpure g old, (ver. :21 .) fo that their feet lhall be fet on that, ~h1ch - tl:e n:en of this w~dd fet their hearts upon. This is the €1/y Cod ha1 .prepared for them, ( Heb xi. 16.) .Adty that hath foundatiom, (ver. J o.) A continuing cif)', (chap. xili. 14.) which fhall Hand and flourifh, when all the cities of the worJd are laid in afb. es; and which fh all not be moved, when I i 2 the