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376 The Ru)'td Pala-ct. State IV: the foundations of the world are ov-erturl"ed. It is a city t·hat never c.hangeth its inhabitan~s : none of them fhal1 ever be removed out. of it; for life and immortality 1eign there, and no death can enter into it. It is bldfed witH a pnft.:& • and p'erpetual peace, and can rie'(ler·be in the leafi di!lnrbed. Nothing from withcut can annoy. it; the gaiN therefore ;ue not jbut at all by day.tand there i~ no !light there, Rev.·xxi. 2). There can. nothing fromwitb .io trouble it: No want" . of provifion there, no fcarcity; no c!ifcord among the in· ~abitants. \V11atever contentions are amongfl: the faints now_; novefiige of their former jarrings fh~ll remain then·•.. Lo\'e to God, and to one another, !half be ptrfeC!ed: and tbef~ of tnem,_who flood at the greateft difbt 'nce here, will foyfull y .embrace and delight in one anether theTe. V. T~e royal palace is Chrifi's Father's houfe, in which are many 1J!aitjonr, John xiv , ·~2. There Onll the faints. dwell for ever. ~fhat is the houfe prepated for all .,~hc heirs of glory, even thefe uti them who dwell in the meandt cot~ ta~e now, · or have not where to lay their -heads. As ou;• l:.ord calls his faints to ·a kingdom, he will provide them a; ' fioufe fuitable to the dignity he puts upon them. Heaven will be . a convenient, fpacious, and glorious houfe, for thofe whom the king ddighteth to honour. · Never was a·' houfe purchafed .at fo dear a rate as this·, being 1:he pur-– ohafe of the Mediator's blood ; and· no lefs could it be af· . frrded for, to them ; never was; there. fo mu~h ado, to fit– inhabitants for a houfe. T~1e faints were bv nature, utterly unfit for this hoafe, and human art and indu(hy could ' pot make them meet fo1 it. But the Father gives the de- · frgned inhabit~nts to his Son, to -be by him redeemed i the Son pays the price of their redemptio\n, even his own preci– CHlS blood, that, with the allowavce-{)f ju!lice: they may. have accefs to the houre; and the holy Spirit fanchfies them by his grace ·; that they may be meet to come in thither, where no unclean thing can enter And no marvel, for it is the King's palace, they enter intc., (P._fol xlv. IS · ) The houfe of the kingdom, whe1·e t.he great King kt:eps his court, where he has fet his throne. and fhew~ forth -his glory, in a fingular manner) beyond what .mortah can conceive. Vf. P3hl.dife is thetr palace· g~rden This day !halt thou i.n panadift,faid ()Ur Sa\'iour to the penitent thid •n