He:;td V. T!Je -palace gt~rdm, mzd ll.o;·al rrea_(ureJ. en the crofs, Luke ~x i ii. 43· Heaven is a paradife for p!ea– fH re and ddight, where t here is both wood and water: A · pure river oj ";))a/er of !Vt,· clear as c';:/lal, proaeding out · ij' t he throne o/'God, an.d o(the l.amb; -and-of either jide ef the rir:er, tf,e tree of life, wMch hears twelve manner of . • fruits, and )'iclds her fruii every ·month, Rev. xxii. I, 1. N ow happy might inno.:ent Adam have t:een in the earth'y p:nadife, where there was nothing wanting for necduty, nor delight l Eden was the moCt pleafant fpot of the t'ncorrupt– ed earth , and paradife the moll pleafant fpot of Eden, but \\·bat is earth in comparifon of heaven ? The glorified f.,ints ~re advanced to the h -~aven!y- pa;adife. There tHey fhall not only fee, but eat if the tree of life, Y~.uhich iJ in the mid_;1 tJ:f the paradije. of Cod, p.,v. ii. 7 They {hall behold the M.ediaror's gl'or y, and be f1tisfied with his goocJnek No flami ng fword "will be there, to keep the way of that tree of life; but they 1'hall freely e~t of it, and live for ever. -t'\nd · they fha11 drink- ofthe river ofpieafute.r, (PfaL xxx11i . 8.) thefe fweetefl: and pgrefl pleafme!>, the which lmmanuel's land cl oth :df<,.rd ; and iha.ll fwim in an ocean of unmixe4 · de!i~ht for evermon:- VII. Thf.y fhc;;.l l have royal treafures, fuffi:ci ent to fnp• port the dignity they are-advanced unto. Since the ftreet of the royai city is pure gold ! and the twelve gates thereof are qvel ve pearls: their treafu-re mufi be_;of that which is b-etter th1n gold or pearl. It is ·an eternal ttveight of glory, !:tCor. iv. I 7, ,0 ·precious treafure ! a treafure not liable to infenfible corrupti9n, bymo ths or ru!l; a treafure whick ' nooe can 11eal from themt Mattb. vi. 20. Never ,did ar-y kiogdom ·afford fu ch a precious treafure, nor a tre;:,fure_of fuch var ie ty: for he that overcomethJha/I inherit alltf:ngJ , – Rev . xxi. 7. No treafures on earth a.re Hored with all things:. if they were all put , together in one~ •her·e wcnlo be far more valuable things wanting in that one, tb:>n found in it. This then is the peculiar treafure of thefe king:: 1 who inherit the kingdom of heave~. _.They Jh:,JI want noth ir·g that n1 ay coni ributs:: to their ful1 fat isf<id'ion. Now they are rich i"l hope: but then thev wlll have the ir ri c he~ in hand. Now a!l things are th e- i;s in refpeet 9f right: then all fhall be theirs io polfdficn. They may go for evet' – throu.lh ftl'lmanuel's !and, and behold the glory and r ;ches .1,j 3.:..' ' therf!., .